Tutorial Exercises and Demonstrations
Tutorial v17 for Neurosim v5-6 and later (November 2024).
Jump to Contents if you know what you are doing.
The text and samples in these tutorials are for use with Neurosim version 5-6-1 and later. If you are running an earlier version, you are strongly recommended to upgrade, but if necessary, tutorials are still available for versions 5-3 or 5-5.
If you bought a personal copy of Neurosim from the Microsoft Store you can get the free upgrade through the Store App update facility.
If you manage an institutional copy and wish to upgrade to the latest version, you can download it directly.
Within the tutorial text there are occasional tooltips indicated thus This is a tooltip.. If you hover over one of these (or tap it on a touch screen), hopefully-useful information will show.
Parameter files
Within the tutorials there are links to the parameter files displayed thus. To download and run a parameter file, click the link.
Firefox: Firefox will automatically start Neurosim with the file loaded.
Chrome/Edge: Click the file when it appears under the download icon at the top-right of the browser window. This will start Neurosim with the file loaded.
Be aware that downloading linked files leaves a copy of the files in your download folder - you may want to delete these periodically.
If you would rather download all the parameter files at once and store them locally on your computer, they are available in the compressed file samples-5-6.zip.
Tutorial Topics
There are 5 core tutorial topics:
There are implementation details about the algorithms and methods used in Neurosim
Click on a link in the Contents below to go to a particular topic.
Note: there is much more material here than would be needed or useful for most undergraduate courses. If you are a teacher using Neurosim, you should just select the activities you deem appropriate – and of course feel free to adjust them and/or write your own.
Passive Properties
Resting potential
Nernst equation
Potassium Equilibrium Potential
Temperature Dependence
Concentration Gradient Dependence
Goldman equation
Simple Goldman
Full Goldman
Chloride Regulation
Steady State versus Equilibrium: Pumps
Electrogenic Pumps
Permeability vs Conductance
Conductance Asymmetry: Rectification
Spherical Cells: The Membrane as a Resistor-Capacitor (RC) Circuit
Basic RC Properties
Leakage and Capacitive Currents
Input Resistance
Input Resistance is Size Dependent
Membrane Time Constant
Quantifying the Membrane Time Constant
Reality Checks
Measuring the Time Constant
The Falling Phase
Time Constant is Size Independent
Temporal summation: Why the Time Constant Matters
Low-Pass Filter
Phase Delay
Axons and Dendrites: Conduction of Passive Signals
Attenuation and Delay: Basic Properties
The Space (Length) Constant: Attenuation with Distance
Voltage vs Distance Display
Diameter Affects the Space Constant
Why is the Space Constant Diameter-Sensitive?
Spatial Summation: Why the Space Constant Matters
Conduction Velocity
The Time Constant: Time Delay with Distance
Temporal Summation: Why the Time Constant Matters
Input Resistance
The Cable Equation
Non-Uniform Diameter: A Compartmental Model
Spatial Summation
Passive Property Units
Action Potentials (Spikes)
Conceptual Summary
Static (Non-Propagating) Spikes
Threshold: All or None?
Sodium Dependence of Spikes
Analysing the Results
Spike Currents and Conductances
Blocking Sodium and Potassium Channels
Molecular Events and Patch Recordings
Single Channel Patch Recording
Micro and Macro Conductance
The HH Model in Action
Strength-Duration Curve
Rheobase and Chronaxie
Cause of the Strength-Duration Relationship
Ramp Stimulus
Refractory Period
Threshold Accommodation
Rebound Excitation
Post-Inhibitory Facilitation
Pacemaker (continuous spiking)
Spike Propagation (Conduction)
Basic Conduction Features
Conduction Velocity
Spike Collision
Spike Spatial Distribution
Passive vs Active Conduction
Refractory Conduction
Myelination and Saltatory Conduction
Voltage clamp
Theory of the Voltage Clamp
Voltage Clamp Currents: Ionic, Capacitive, Gating
Classic HH Experiments
Sodium I/V Curve
Sodium Equilibrium Potential
Sodium Inactivation
Potassium I/V Curve
Tail Currents
Capacitive Current
Why a Constant Voltage Matters
Space-Clamp Problems
Single Channel Patch Recording
Micro and Macro Conductance
Beyond Basic HH Models
Endogenous Burster Neurons
Calcium/Calcium-Dependent Potassium Channels
Phase Resetting
Inactivating Calcium Channels
Channel Kinetics
Conditional bursters
Plateau Potentials
Bi-stable neurons
A Current (Transient Potassium Channels)
Inking in Aplysia
Advanced Kinetics
Voltage-Dependency of Alpha and Beta
Gate Voltage-Dependency
Steady-State Probability
Time Constant of Probability Change
Alpha and Beta during a Spike
Channel Voltage-Dependency
Potassium Channels
Sodium Channels
Putting it all together: finding the membrane potential
Capacitive current (spike)
Non-Ohmic Channels: The GHK Current Equation
Morris-Lecar: Reduced Kinetics
Further reduction
Phase Plane Analysis
Phase Plots of Experimental Data
Chemical Synapses
Excitation and Inhibition
Voltage Clamp
Summation and Facilitation
Depolarising and Silent IPSPs
Non-Spiking Synapses
Voltage-Dependent Synapses (NMDA-type)
NMDA I/V Curve
Hebbian Synapses
Quantal Release
Quantal Size Distribution
Electrical Synapses
Frequency Matters
Size Matters
Dendritic Computation
Proximal and Distal Inhibition
Directional Sensitivity
Central Pattern Generators
Flip-Flop Circuit
Reciprocal Inhibition Oscillator
Multi-Phase Rhythms
Laser Photoinactivation and Optogenetics
Sensory Feedback
Phase Resetting Tests
Tadpole Swimming: A case study
Basic dIN and cIN Properties
The Core Swimming Circuit
Spike-Triggered Display
Swim Initiation
Short-Term Motor Memory and the Sodium Pump
Synchronization and Entrainment
Metachronal Rhythm
Stochastic Resonance
Lateral Inhibition
Pre-Synaptic Inhibition
Primary Afferent Depolarization (PAD)
Inhibition mechanism
PAD and Antidromic Afferent Spikes
The Gate Control Theory of Pain
PAD Timing
Other Mechanisms
The Dorsal Root Reflex
Function of the DRR
The Jeffress Model for Auditory Localization
Phase Ambiguity
Learning Networks
Classical Conditioning: Pavlov’s Dog
Associative Learning: Pattern Completion
Hebbian mechanism
Facilities for Memory Models
Wilson Cowan Models
Background Theory
Neurosim Implementation
Stable States
Bi-stable output
Tri-stable output
Tri-stable mechanism
Phase plane analysis
Multi-Unit Models
Synchronizing oscillations
Anti-phase synchronization
Fly larval crawling
Kinetics of Single Ion Channels
Two-State Channels: An Open and Shut Case
Mean Sojourn Duration and Transition Rate Constants
Sojourn Distribution is Exponential
Histogram Analysis
Channel Blocker: Antagonist Effects
Open-Time Distribution
Effect of Blocker Concentration
Closed-Time Distribution is Multi-Exponential
Likelihood and BIC
Why are there 2 Exponentials?
Comparison of Open- and Closed-Time Distributions
What is the Point? A Reminder
A Transmitter-Activated Channel
Open-Time Distributions
Closed-Time Distribution.
Bursts of Open State Conductance
The Acetylcholine Receptor Model
Implementation Details
Passive Properties
Spiking Properties
Spike Threshold Accommodation
Synaptic connections
Without Integrate-and-Fire
Spike generation
Synaptic connections
Voltage-Dependent Channels
Non-Gate Models
Calcium and Sodium Channels
Variable Equilibrium Potential
Drugs: Blockers, Activators and Optogenetics
Calcium Dependent Channels
Intracellular Calcium Concentration
Making a Channel Calcium-Dependent
Sodium Pump
Pump Current Sodium Concentration Dependency
Intracellular Sodium Concentration
Spiking Chemical Synapse
Single exponential
Dual exponential
Voltage-Dependent Synapse
Hebbian Synapses
Linear forgetting
Augmentation-reduced forgetting
Advanced HH Only
Conductance Decrease Synapse
Extracellular Calcium Concentration
Quantal Release
Non-Spiking Chemical Synapses
Carrier Ions: Calcium and Sodium
Electrical Synapses
Rectifying Electrical Synapses
Drugs: Blockers, Activators and Modulators
Equations and Integration
Exponential Euler Integration
Integration Components
Adaptive Step Size
Wilson-Cowan Integration
Compartmental Models
Active Currents
Neurosim Implementation