Walk-Through: Drugs, Optogenetics and Neuromodulation in the Network Module

If you have not already done the Network Walk-Through Warm-Up, I suggest you do that before proceeding, so that you are familiar with the general processes involved in building neural circuits.

The default circuit shows 2 neurons, with N1 making a type a spiking chemical synapse onto N2. You can check the properties of the synapse through the Synapses: Spiking chemical menu command, but, in short, it is a nicotinic cholinergic type.

This circuit is used as the base for walk-throughs setting up simulations using drugs, optogenetics and neuromodulation.


Available agents are listed in the Drugs and/or Light group of the Experimental Control dialog. Each agent has an apply checkbox to the left of its name.

Note: agents can be artificial pharceutical agents, natural neurotransmitters, light, or neuromodulators. However, for simplicity, the generic term "drug" is used in these walk-throughs except where the specific type is important.

Here is some general information about drugs in this module:

Note that the Experimental Control drug options can be hidden through the Options: Configure View menu command if they are not relevant for an activity and you want to simplify the configuration.

The drug properties (normally available through the Drugs menu) can be hidden through the Options: Set puzzle menu command. The drugs are still available for use, but their properties cannot be seen or changed.

Synapse Effects

There are 10 editable rows in the dialog, for the 10 possible user-defined agents.

The left column is headed Agent name, the remaining columns specify what the drug does. To be enabled for the user, the drug must have a name. If it has a name, but no other properties, it will appear in the Drugs/Light list, but it will do nothing.

Note that Drug 1 (αBT: alpha bungarotoxin) affects type a spiking and non-spiking chemical synapses, and its Action (right-hand column) is to Block. In real systems the snake venom αBT does indeed block nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, so this is appropriate. Drug 4 (ACh: acetyl choline) also affects type a spiking and non-spiking chemical synapses, but its action is to Activate. Since ACh is the natural transmitter for these synapses, this too is appropriate. (The third type of action, Modulate, is described later.)

The new N2 trace in the results is completely flat because we have completely blocked the synapse.

N2 now spikes continuously because the ACh receptors are continuously activated.

Note: In Neurosim, receptors do not desensitize when an activator drug is applied.

Timed Application

Each drug has an Auto checkbox which, if checked, will mean that the drug is applied at the specified On time and maintained for the specified Duration. time. If the drug is already on when the simulation reaches the specified On time, the drug remains on. A drug can be applied/removed repeatedly by checking the Repeat box, with a specified off-time Gap.

Note that an asterisk appears after the drug name in the Drugs/Light list of the Experimental Control dialog. This is a visual indication that the drug status may change during a simulation run without user intervention (if the Timed Application dialog were not showing, the user might not realize that Auto apply was active).

A pulse of ACh is applied just before the start of the stimulus and consequently the neuron depolarizes and spikes. The timing of the pulse is shown by the magenta bar in the Results view, and while the ACh is applied the ACh box in the Setup view is checked. However, the pulse is very brief, and the post-synaptic neuron returns to its normal response when it terminates (and the box unchecks).

Now pulses of ACh are applied repeatedly, with the specified gap between pulses.

Note that the simulation terminates with ACh still applied, and consequently the ACh box in the Drugs/Light frame remains checked.

Now ACh is applied right from the start of the simulation, and again it remains applied at the end of the run. To prevent the immediate application of ACh and return to just timed application, you must manually un-check the ACh box before clicking Start.

Hopefully, this gives you a good idea of how you can auto-apply drugs in the Network module.

Fraction Effect

In reality, drug effects often depend on the concentration of the drug when it is applied - low concentrations usually have weaker effects than high concentrations. This can be simulated in Neurosim as described next.

The circuit is similar to the default, except that N2 has been set to be non-spikingThe neuron was made non-spiking by unchecking the 'Use integrate-and-fire spikes' box in the 'Neuron Properties' dialog, accessed by double clicking the neuron. so that its spikes do not interfere with the drug effects. The synapse type a is still a nicotinic cholinergic type, but it does not show facilitationThe 'Relative facilitation' has been set to 1 in the 'Spiking Synapse' properties dialog, accessed from the 'Synapses: Spiking chemical' menu command.. In the Results view, the bottom trace shows the chemical synaptic conductance in N2. The conductance changes underlying the EPSP are obvious.

The right hand column is labelled Strength. For drugs defined as blockers or activators, a value of 1 (the default) means that the effect is maximal (either total block, or total activation of all receptors), values less than 1 reduce the effect in proportion.

A new sweep occurs, and the synaptic conductance is completely blocked.

Another sweep occurs, but this time the block is partial. A Fraction effect of 0.7 means that 70% of the receptors are blocked, leaving 30% available to carry synaptic current. Hence the synaptic current is only about one third of that for the unblocked receptors, and the EPSPs are reduced in size but not abolished. The 30% can be regarded as the residual conductance fraction.

Multiple Blocking Drugs

You can specify more than one drug as a blocker of a particular synaptic type (although I would not normally recommend this when teaching).

The new drug should appear both in the Drug/Light list in the Experimental Control dialog, and in row 5 in the Drug/Light Timed Application and Strength dialog (assuming that you kept that open - if not, re-open it now).

A fourth sweep occurs, and now the synaptic conductance is very small, as is the resulting EPSP.

Activation and Occlusion

The N2 synaptic conductance immediately jumps to a high level, and N2 depolarizes.

Note: The post-synaptic conductance increase caused by maximum drug activation (Fraction effect = 1) is set heuristically at 2x the baselineThe baseline conductance and facilitation rate are set in the 'Synapse Properties' dialog, accessed through the appropriate Synapse sub-menu. synaptic conductance, with a further increase if the synapse facilitates. The increase is to allow for the possibility of temporal and spatial summation of the post-synaptic conductance.

When an activator drug is applied with a Fraction effect of 1, the conductance increase that would normally be caused by transmitter released from the pre-synaptic neuron is occluded - i.e. disappears. This is because all the post-synaptic receptors are assumed to be activated by the drug, so further release of transmitter from the pre-synaptic neuron has no effect.

Now the instant conductance increase caused by ACh application is smaller, and the pre-synaptic spikes cause a small further increase in conductance. This is because the receptors are not fully occluded with the weaker activator effect. This is meant to simulate a lower concentration of ACh.

Both the ACh and residual PSP conductance increases are reduced. This is because the blocking effect of αBT takes precedence over the activating effect of ACh.

Voltage-Dependent Channel Effects

Drugs that block voltage-dependent channels operate in a very similar way to those that block synaptic channels - they simply reduce the calculated channel conductance by the specified Fraction effect factor.

Activator agents act differently. The key difference is that they are obligate factors. A voltage-dependent channel can be specified as needing activation, and if this is done, that channel will have 0 conductance unless an activating agent is applied. This allows such an agent to act as light in a simulated optogenetic experiment, as described next. (However, note that agents specified as neuromodulators can enhance the normal conductance of a voltage-dependent channel, and this is described later.)


An agent that activates an ion channel can simulate light in an optogenetic experiment (in which case, of course, the term "drug" is inappropriate).

The neuron is an endogenous burster that contains 3 voltage-dependent channels. Na (V) and K (V) produce standard HH-type spikes (but with modified kinetics), while the third channel, Ca (inactivating), is a low-threshold, slowly inactivating calcium channel. It is this channel that drives the oscillations responsible for bursting (this is the same neuron used in the tutorial on endogenous bursting).

In the Results view, the top trace shows the membrane potential, and the bottom trace shows the conductance of the calcium channel.

Assume that a genetic engineer has induced the neuron to express two types of channelrhodopsinsChannelrhodopsins are light-activated ion channels that originally derived from unicellular green algae, but through genetic engineering are now available in a variety of forms. Their expression can be induced in particular cell lines in many model organisms used in neuroscience research, such as the fruit fly or mouse. in its membrane. The first is opened by blue light and is anion (i.e. chloride) selective, and therefore inhibits the neuron when activated. The second is a non-selective cation channel (like a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor) that is opened by red light and which excites the neuron when activated. The aim is to modify the existing model neuron to incorporate these new channels. This can be done by adding new "voltage-dependent" channels, but without making them voltage-dependent. If you want to jump ahead and see the finished model, it is available as the file Optogenetics finish.

This adds a new channel (4), but by default it is an HH sodium channel ('Another fast Na channel'), which is not what we want.

At this point we have an anion channelrhodopsin embedded in the membrane.

This implants a new channel (5) which is identical to the one we just implanted.

We have finished implanting the two channelrhodopsins into the neuron. Now we need a way to activate them.

Now we have two agents (light) that can activate the channelrhodopsins. It would be nice to monitor the channelrhodopsin conductance directly.

You are now ready to run an experiment. The idea is to manually "switch on" first the blue light, and then the red light, while observing what happens to the neuron's activity.

If you want to simulate the effect of light at reduced (sub-optimal) intensity:

This has the same effect as would reducing the maximum conductance in the Voltage-Dependent Channel Properties dialog for the channelrhodopsin that the light activates.

You have now finished the walk through.

The final model is available as the file Optogenetics finish. The lights are switched on and off automaticallyAutomatic light switching is specified in the 'Timed Application and Strength' dialog, which is accessed through the 'Drugs: Timed application, strength' menu command., first the blue light, then the red light, so you can just Start the simulation and sit back and watch.


This walk-through shows how to set up neuromodulation in a Network circuit. There is a tutorial showing neuromodulation in action here, and details of how neuromodulation is implemented in Neurosim are given here.

This is a slightly modified version of the default Network circuit.

In the Stimulus group of the Experimental Control panel:

The new neuron should now receive 2 supra-threshold stimulus pulses part way through the long stimulus applied to N1. It would be sensible to check that this is happening.

You should see a new axis showing the activity of N3 as a blue trace. There should be 2 spikes in it.

We now need to make N3 release a neuromodulator. The first task is to define a neuromodulator. Since the main feature in the circuit is the nicotinic cholinergic synapse from N1 to N2, that is a good target for modulation in this walk-through.

The graph now shows the concentration-dependence of the multiplier that will be applied to the conductance of type a spiking synapses. When the concentration is 0 (left hand end) the multiplier is 1 (horizontal dashed line), meaning no modulation. When the concentration is 1 (vertical dashed line) the multiplier has its base value of 1.5. The multiplier then rises linearly with concentration until it reaches a value 1 below the maximum. After this, further increases in concentration cause the multiplier to rise asymptotically towards its maximum of 5.

The graph now shows the negative dependence of the multiplier on concentration. Again, when the concentration is 0 the multiplier is 1. When the concentratio is 1, the multiplier has its base value of 0.5. The multiplier has a power-dependence on the concentration, so the higher the concentration the closer the multiplier approaches to 0, meaning total block.

Now we need to make N3 release the neuromodulator.

The neuromodulator release site is shown in the Setup view as an orange circle attached to N3.

It would be good to monitor the extracellular concentration and multiplier value of the neuromodulator.

Two new axes now show in the Results view.

The bottom 2 traces show the extracellular neuromodulator concentration (upper) and the conductance multiplier (lower).

Note that before N3 spikes the neuromodulator concentration is 0 and the multiplier is 1, but that following each spike in N3 there is an increase in the neuromodulator concentration, an increase in the value of the multiplierThis, of course, is theoretical value resulting from the mechanism chosen to implement modulation. It could not be measured directly in a real experiment, although its equivalent could be calculated by measuring synaptic current in a voltage-clamp protocol., and a consequent increase in the amplitude of the EPSP in N2. The neuromodulator is acting as an up-regulator of the synaptic conductance.

N3 now spikes 4 times, at higher frequency. The neuromodulator concentration summates (as does the multiplier), and the EPSPs in N2 are now large enough to generate spikes.

The increase in neuromodulator concentration is the same, but now the multiplier decreases below the initial value of 1, and the EPSPs in N2 decreases in amplitude. The neuromodulator is now acting as a down-regulator of the synaptic conductance.

Exogenous Neuromodulator Application

A neuromodulator can be specified as a drug that can be applied manually or automatically during an experiment.

The drug name is automatically set to the name of the neuromodulator specified in the Type column at the right, which defaults to type a, which we have set up earlier as ACh mod. (If you change to Type b, the name is blank because we have not defined a type b neuromodulator.)

Note that ACh mod now appears in the Drugs/Light list at the bottom of the Experimental Control panel.

The neuromodulator is now applied at a concentration of 1 throughout the experiment, and so the N2 EPSPs are enhanced throughout. However, when N3 spikes, additional neuromodulator is released, whose effect sums with the exogenously-applied neuromodulator.

Timed Application and Exogenous Concentration

As described above for Drugs, neuromodulators can have timed exogenous application and can be applied at different concentrations, using options in the Timed Application and Strength dialog (accessed through the Drugs/Light: Timed Application and Strength menu command). Note that for neuromodulators, the Strength parameter in the dialog refers directly to the concentration at which the neuromodulator is applied (rather than to the Fraction Effect parameter used for activators and blockers).

Other Modulation Targets

This walk-through describes how to apply neuromodulation to the conductance of spiking chemical synapses, but neuromodulators can be defined to affect non-spiking chemical synapses, electrical synapses or voltage-dependent channels by editing the appropriate Target row in the Neuromodulator dialog. Neuromodulators can also affect the current generated by the Na/K exchange pump by entering "Pmp" as a target in the voltage-dependent channel row.