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Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Group of Bernd Braunecker

Publications by the group members

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  • Topological Classification of One-Dimensional Chiral Symmetric Interfaces
    H. MullineauxSanders, B. Braunecker
    Phys. Rev. B 110, L241409 (2024)   [arXiv:2407.01223]   [PDF]   [Supplement]
    Editors' suggestion of PRB.
  • Exact results, transient generalized Gibbs ensembles, and analytic approximations for spacetime propagators of massive, real scalar fields in one spatial dimension
    T. Boorman, B. Braunecker
  • 2023

  • Observable-enriched entanglement
    J. H. Winter, R. Ay, B. Braunecker, A. M. Cook
  • Measurement-induced population switching
    M. S. Ferguson, L. C. Camenzind, C. Müller, D. E. F. Biesinger, C. P. Scheller, B. Braunecker, D. M. Zumbühl, O. Zilberberg
    Phys. Rev. Res. 5, 023028 (2023)   [arXiv:2010.04635]   [PDF]
  • Supercurrent-enabled Andreev reflection in a chiral quantum Hall edge state
    A. B. Michelsen, P. Recher, B. Braunecker, T. L. Schmidt
    Phys. Rev. Res. 5, 013066 (2023)   [arXiv:2203.13384]   [PDF]
  • 2022

  • Spatiotemporal Spread of Fermi-edge Singularity as Time Delayed Interaction and Impact on Time-dependent RKKY Type Coupling
    C. Jackson, B. Braunecker
    Phys. Rev. Res. 4, 013119 (2022)   [arXiv:2106.09059]   [PDF]
  • 2021

    • Subgap states at ferromagnetic and spiral-ordered magnetic chains in two-dimensional superconductors. I. Continuum description
      C. J. F. Carroll, B. Braunecker
      Phys. Rev. B 104, 245133 (2021)   [arXiv:1709.06093]   [PDF]
    • Subgap states at ferromagnetic and spiral-ordered magnetic chains in two-dimensional superconductors. II. Topological classification
      C. J. F. Carroll, B. Braunecker
      Phys. Rev. B 104, 245134 (2021)   [arXiv:2108.05768]   [PDF]
    • Decoupled heat and charge rectification as a many-body effect in quantum wires
      C. Stevenson, B. Braunecker
      Phys. Rev. B 103, 115413 (2021)   [arXiv:2002.03593]   [PDF]


    • Current correlations of Cooper-pair tunneling into a quantum Hall system
      A. B. Michelsen, T. L. Schmidt, E. G. Idrisov
      Phys. Rev. B 102, 125402 (2020)   [arXiv:2004.10279]   [PDF]


    • Spin liquid mediated RKKY interaction
      H. F. Legg, B. Braunecker
      Sci. Rep. 9, 17697 (2019)   [arXiv:1612.06868]   [PDF]   [Supplement]
    • Coherent backaction between spins and an electronic bath: Non-Markovian dynamics and low temperature quantum thermodynamic electron cooling
      S. Matern, D. Loss, J. Klinovaja, B. Braunecker
      Phys. Rev. B 100, 134308 (2019)   [arXiv:1905.11422]   [PDF]
    • Majorana mediated non-local charge dynamics in topological superconductors
      I. J. van Beek, PhD thesis   [DOI: 10.17630/10023-19248]
    • Designed topological states from hybrid spiral magnet-superconductor heterostructures
      C. J. Carroll, PhD thesis   [DOI: 10.17630/10023-17497]


    • Non-Equilibrium Charge Dynamics in Majorana-Josephson Devices
      I. J. van Beek, A. Levy Yeyati, B. Braunecker
      Phys. Rev. B 98, 224502 (2018)   [arXiv:1809.04701]   [PDF]
    • Kinetic Stabilization of 1D Surface States near Twin Boundaries in Noncentrosymmetric BiPd
      C. M. Yim, C. Trainer, A. Maldonado, B. Braunecker, A. Yaresko, D. C. Peets, P. Wahl
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 206401 (2018)   [arXiv:1811.02832]   [PDF]
    • Tunneling spectroscopy between one-dimensional helical conductors
      B. Braunecker, P. Simon
      Phys. Rev. B 98, 115146 (2018)   [arXiv:1807.00052]   [PDF]
    • Entanglement in 3D Kitaev spin liquids
      S. Matern, M. Hermanns
      J. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp. P063101 (2018)   [arXiv:1712.07715]  


    • Noncollinear Spin-Orbit Magnetic Fields in a Carbon Nanotube Double Quantum Dot
      M. C. Hels, B. Braunecker, K. Grove-Rasmussen, J. Nygård
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 276802 (2016)   [arXiv:1606.01065]   [PDF]   [Data]
    • Non-Kondo many-body physics in a Majorana-based Kondo type system
      I. J. van Beek, B. Braunecker
      Phys. Rev. B 94, 115416 (2016)   [arXiv:1606.08634]   [PDF]


    • Self-stabilizing temperature-driven crossover between topological and non-topological ordered phases in one-dimensional conductors
      B. Braunecker and P. Simon
      Phys. Rev. B 92, 241410(R) (2015)   [arXiv:1510.06339]   [PDF]
    • Intrinsic Metastabilities in the Charge Configuration of a Double Quantum Dot
      D. E. F. Biesinger, C. P. Scheller, B. Braunecker, J. Zimmerman, A. C. Gossard, D. M. Zumbühl
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 105804 (2015)   [arXiv:1505.03195]   [PDF]   [Data]
    • Probing charge fluctuator correlations using quantum dot pairs
      V. Purohit, B. Braunecker, B. W. Lovett
      Phys. Rev. B 91, 245301 (2015)   [arXiv:1501.02111]   [PDF]


    • Spontaneous Helical Order of Electron and Nuclear Spins in a Luttinger Liquid
      C. P. Scheller, B. Braunecker, D. Loss, D. M. Zumbühl
      SPG Mitteilungen 44, p. 23, May 2014   [journal (PDF)]
    • Detection of spin entanglement via spin-charge separation in crossed Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids
      A. Schroer, B. Braunecker, A. Levy Yeyati, and P. Recher
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 266401 (2014)   [arXiv:1404.4524]   [PDF]   [Supplement]


    • Spin filtering and entanglement detection due to spin-orbit interaction in carbon nanotube cross-junctions
      F. Mazza, B. Braunecker, P. Recher, and A. Levy Yeyati
      Phys. Rev. B 88, 195403 (2013)   [arXiv:1307.7992]   [PDF]
    • Entanglement detection from conductance measurements in carbon nanotube Cooper pair splitters
      B. Braunecker, P. Burset, and A. Levy Yeyati
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 136806 (2013)   [arXiv:1303.6196]   [PDF]   [Supplement]
    • Interplay between classical magnetic moments and superconductivity in quantum one-dimensional conductors: toward a self-sustained topological Majorana phase
      B. Braunecker and P. Simon
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 147202 (2013)   [arXiv:1307.2431]   [PDF]   [Supplement]
    • Magnetic-field switchable metal-insulator transitions in a quasihelical conductor
      B. Braunecker, A. Ström, and G. I. Japaridze
      Phys. Rev. B 87, 075151 (2013)   [arXiv:1206.5844]   [PDF]
    • Transport through a Coulomb blockaded Majorana nanowire
      A. Zazunov, R. Egger, A. Levy Yeyati, R. Hützen, and B. Braunecker
      in Low-Dimensional Functional Materials,
      NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics,
      ed. by R. Egger, D. Matrasulov, and K. Rakhimov (Springer, 2013), pp 63-76


    • Cotunneling in the ν=5/2 fractional quantum Hall regime
      R. Zielke, B. Braunecker, and D. Loss
      Phys. Rev. B 86, 235307 (2012)   [arXiv:1204.4400]   [PDF]
    • Majorana single-charge transistor
      R. Hützen, A. Zazunov, B. Braunecker, A. Levy Yeyati, and R. Egger
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 166403 (2012)   [arXiv:1206.3912]   [PDF]   [Supplement]
  • Spectral properties of Luttinger liquids: A comparative analysis of regular, helical, and spiral Luttinger liquids
    B. Braunecker, C. Bena, and P. Simon
    Phys. Rev. B 85, 035136 (2012)   [arXiv:1110.5171]   [PDF]
  • 2011

    • Majorana edge states in interacting one-dimensional systems
      S. Gangadharaiah, B. Braunecker, P. Simon, and D. Loss
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 036801 (2011)   [arXiv:1101.0094]   [PDF]
    • Carbon nanotubes in electric and magnetic fields
      J. Klinovaja, M. J. Schmidt, B. Braunecker, and D. Loss
      Phys. Rev. B 84, 085452 (2011)   [arXiv:1106.3332]   [PDF]
      Editor's suggestion of PRB and display of one figure on the "Kaleidoscope" section of the PRB web front page.
    • Helical modes in carbon nanotubes generated by strong electric fields
      J. Klinovaja, M. J. Schmidt, B. Braunecker, and D. Loss
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 156809 (2011)   [arXiv:1011.3630]   [PDF]
    • Many-Body Dynamics of Exciton Creation in a Quantum Dot by Optical Absorption: A Quantum Quench towards Kondo Correlations
      H. E. Türeci, M. Hanl, M. Claassen, A. Weichselbaum, T. Hecht, B. Braunecker, A. Govorov, L. Glazman, J. von Delft, and A. Imamoglu
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 107402 (2011)   [arXiv:0907.3854]   [PDF]
      selected for a Synopsis in Physics


    • Spin-selective Peierls transition in interacting one-dimensional conductors with spin-orbit interaction
      B. Braunecker, G. I. Japaridze, J. Klinovaja, and D. Loss
      Phys. Rev. B 82, 045127 (2010)   [arXiv:1004.0467]   [PDF]
    • Entanglement, which-way experiment, and a quantum erasure
      C. Ferrari and B. Braunecker
      Am. J. Phys. 78, 792 (2010)   [arXiv:0911.2072]   [PDF]
    • 550 Jahre Universität Basel – Geschichte des Departements Physik (in German)
      B. Braunecker and C. Bruder
      SPG Mitteilungen 31, p. 28, May 2010 [web link]   [journal (PDF)]
    • Magnetic order in nuclear spin two-dimensional lattices due to electron-electron interactions
      P. Simon, B. Braunecker, and D. Loss
      International conference Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics FQMT '08 (Prague, Czech Republic, July/Aug. 2008)
      Physica E 42, 634 (2010)   [PDF]
      Updated version of the 2008 Taiwan conference proceedings below.


    • Nuclear magnetism and electron order in interacting one-dimensional conductors
      B. Braunecker, P. Simon, and D. Loss
      Phys. Rev. B 80, 165119 (2009)   [arXiv:0908.0904]   [PDF]
    • Nuclear Magnetism and Electronic Order in 13C Nanotubes
      B. Braunecker, P. Simon, and D. Loss
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 116403 (2009)   [arXiv:0808.1685]   [PDF]
    • Physics, Society, and the Promotion of Young Physicists
      B. Braunecker and B. Braunecker
      SPG Mitteilungen 27, p. 17, May 2009   [web link]   [journal (PDF)]


    • Magnetic ordering of nuclear spins in an interacting two-dimensional electron gas
      P. Simon, B. Braunecker, and D. Loss
      Phys. Rev. B 77, 045108 (2008)   [arXiv:0709.0164]   [PDF]
    • Magnetic order in Kondo-lattice systems due to electron-electron interactions
      B. Braunecker, P. Simon, and D. Loss
      2nd International Workshop on Solid-State Quantum Computing (Taipei, Taiwan, June 2008)
      AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1074, pp. 62-67 (2008)   [arXiv:0808.4063]   [PDF]
      This is a short (6 pages) review of the coupled nuclear spin/electron order in (mostly) 2D and (a bit of) 1D.
    • Magnetic ordering of nuclear spins in an interacting 2D electron gas as a consequence of non-analyticities in the 2D Fermi liquid
      P. Simon, B. Braunecker, and D. Loss
      Yukawa International Seminar 2007 (YKIS2007); Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems
      Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 176, 302 (2008)
      Review of the nuclear spin order in a 2DEG.
    • Controlled-NOT gate for multiparticle qubits and topological quantum computation based on parity measurements
      O. Zilberberg, B. Braunecker, and D. Loss
      Phys. Rev. A 77, 012327 (2008)   [arXiv:0708.1062]   [PDF]


    • Spin current and rectification in one-dimensional electronic systems
      B. Braunecker, D. E. Feldman, and Feifei Li
      Phys. Rev. B 76, 085119 (2007)   [arXiv:0706.2761]   [PDF]
      short version (preprint): B. Braunecker and D. E. Feldman, arXiv:cond-mat/0610847 (2006)   [PDF]
    • The Pleasures on the Road to a Quantum Computer
      B. Braunecker and D. Loss
      SPG Mitteilungen 20, p. 18, April 2007   [web link]   [journal (PDF)]


    • Response of a Fermi gas to time-dependent perturbations: Riemann-Hilbert approach at non-zero temperatures
      B. Braunecker
      Phys. Rev. B 73, 075122 (2006)   [arXiv:cond-mat/0510680]   [PDF]


    • Rectification in one-dimensional electronic systems
      B. Braunecker, D. E. Feldman, and J. B. Marston
      Phys. Rev. B 72, 125311 (2005)   [arXiv:cond-mat/0506095]   [PDF]
    • Edge-currents in superconductors with a broken time-reversal symmetry
      B. Braunecker, P. A. Lee, and Z. Wang
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 017004 (2005)   [arXiv:cond-mat/0501125]   [PDF]


    • Fermi edge singularity in a non-equilibrium system
      B. Muzykantskii, N. d'Ambrumenil, and B. Braunecker
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 266602 (2003)   [arXiv:cond-mat/0304583]   [PDF]
    • On solutions of the nonequilibrium x-ray edge problem
      B. Braunecker
      Phys. Rev. B 68, 153104 (2003)   [arXiv:cond-mat/0211511]   [PDF]