Level One Waves
and Optics |

Topics in lectures
- What is light, and how is it generated?
- Ray optics including rainbows
- Imaging
- Geometrical Optics I
- Geometrical Optics II
- Oscillations
- Oscillations and travelling waves
- Travelling waves
- Standing waves
- Two-beam interference: Young's slits, and algebra
- Phasor description of two-beam interference
- Michelson interferometer and thin film interference
- Multiple beam interference: the diffraction grating
Tutorial Material
This is normally accessed through the "topics in lectures" above. In
general, you should be able to attempt tutorial questions 1.x after topic one, and so
on. Tutors and tutees are asked to agree what time delay should be allowed between
the work being covered in the lectures and having the tutorial questions attempted for the
tutorial. Corrections to tutorial sheets
Computer Based Simulations
The Java interactive demonstrations listed in the lecture summaries should be able to
be accessed from most computers running a modern broswer. The more substantial
simulations referred to in the electronic tutorial sheets are available only from
networked PCs in this School, due to software and licensing requirements. These more
substantial simulations are also available directly from the Start menu of the PCs in our
PC classroom. Your handouts contains information on how to use the machines and the
Thought Provocation
In the lectures I pose a number of questions, some of which are adapted from some of
those in Lewis Carroll Epstein's book "Thinking Physics". He has asked
that in return for his persmission to use this material, I provide a link here to his website.
I provide this material in good faith, but there will be typos and possibly other
errors within. Please let me know of any mistakes that you find in these pages.
The lecture timetable above and what actually happens may get slightly out of
step. Printing out these web pages is not a substitute for coming to the lectures,
thinking about the material, reading your text books, and doing your tutorial sheets.
But I hope the material here is helpful.
Comments, corrections, etc emailed to me please at b.d.sinclair@st-andrews.ac.uk
This page created by and copyright of Bruce Sinclair, School of Physics and
Astronmy, University of St Andrews, 1996,97,98,2000, 2001, 2002