University of St Andrews
School of Physics and Astronomy
11. Two-beam interference via Phasors
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Associated tutorial questions (St Andrews only)
- Two beam interference can be looked at quantitatively using phasor diagrams
- Recap on what a phasor is.
- Adding phasors is done in the same way as adding vectors.
- We find that the intensity of a wave is proportional to the length of the resultant
- For a given phase difference between two phasors we can draw the vector diagram (phasor
addition) to analyse the situtation.
- For two beam interference we find exactly the same answer for the intensity variation
with phase difference as we did in the last lecture algebraically.
- We will also consider temporal and spatial coherence and their relevance to interference
Similar material to that presented in the lectures is available at:-
- Halliday, Resnick, & Walker - Chapters on:- Interference
Associated tutorial questions (St Andrews only)
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Created by, and copyright of, Bruce Sinclair, University of St Andrews;
last modified 18/09/01