University of St Andrews
School of Physics and Astronomy
9. Standing Waves
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- Standing waves - when two oppositely directed but otherwise similar waves pass through
each other, a "standing wave" is formed
- Interactive Jave Demo of formation of standing wave
- This standing wave does not appear to travel, but the particles still oscillate
- The amplitude of the standing wave varies with position - note the nodes and antinodes
- Standing waves are often produced by one wave being reflected at the end of a string or
air column: the phase shift on reflection is important
- Examples of standing waves on string and in air columns
- The string or air column will support a set of allowed standing wave wavelengths - the
resonant modes.
- If we know the speed of the wave in the string or air column, we can then work out the
frequency of the standing wave. If we change the tension of a violin string, the
allowed standing wave wavelengths remain the same (fixed by the boundary conditions), but
as the wave-speed on the string changes, the frequency of oscillation of the string will
- The frequency of any radiated sound wave will be the same as that of the standing wave
- Standing optical waves are also important, for example in a laser oscillator.
There must be an integer number of half wavelengths between the mirrors, in direct
analogy with a standing wave on a string.
- Standing waves are also important in quantum phenomena.
Similar material to that presented in the lectures is available at:-
- Halliday, Resnick, & Walker - Chapters on:- Waves-I and Waves-II
Associated tutorial questions (St Andrews only)
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Created by, and copyright of, Bruce Sinclair, University of St Andrews;
last modified 11/09/01