University of St Andrews
School of Physics and Astronomy
8. Travelling Waves
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Associated tutorial questions (St Andrews only)

- Velocity of a wave on a string - depends on string tension and mass per unit length -
not full "derivation"
- Doppler effect - changes in observed frequency due to relative motion of source,
observer, and medium
- Linear superposition - if there is more than one wave present at one place and time, the
resultant disturbance is the algebraic sum of the disturbances due to the individual waves
- Interactive Java Demo of superposition Credits for demo
- From the University of Colorado, a nice Java
simulation of wave addition for different amplitudes, phases, and frequencies.
- Phase changes on reflection - no phase shift for a free end of a string, half a cycle
shift (p phase shift) for a string fixed at the end - Interactive Java Demo of Pulse reflection
Similar material to that presented in the lectures is available at:-
- Halliday, Resnick, & Walker - Chapters on:- Waves-I
Associated tutorial questions (St Andrews only)
Return to Waves and Optics Home Page
Created by, and copyright of, Bruce Sinclair, University of St
Andrews; last modified 27/11/01