Text source
James Gardiner may be the same person as Jacob Garden [SSNE 4681], but who was a burgess in Gothenburg. It should also be noted that on one letter the signatures of one Jacob and another James Gardiner [SSNE 4922] can be found beside each other. It is not clear what the relationship, if any might be or what status this James Gardiner had in Sweden.
Sources: See Swedish Riksarkiv,Biographica Microcard, E01412 4/7; Letter of Jacob Merser [SSNE 4839] was co-signed by William Merser [SSNE 4923], Jacob Gardiner [SSNE 4922], Ignatius Menner, Jurgen Garden Junior [George, SSNE 4924], James Gardiner [SSNE 4937], Robert Smidt [SSNE 4938].
See also various correspondence of Jacob Gardiner (this man?) referencing his brother Albrecht, suggesting this document relates to Jacob Gardiner [SSNE 4922] at: Riksarkivets ämnessamlingar. Personhistoria
Service record
- Arrived 1648-11-01
- Departed 1648-12-31
- Capacity MERCHANT, purpose CIVIC, TRADE