First name
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Text source

William Mercer was a Scottish merchant based in Stockholm from at least 1633 onwards.

William Mercer is the subject of a case brought before the Stockholm magistrates in August 1633, when Anders brokikare complained that William Mercer had relieved a servant boy of 24 riksdaler without providing the goods the money was to cover. Robert Rhind, also a Scottish burgess, is mentioned with regard to a deal about some hats, although Anders brokikare subsequently claims the hats were obtained through Albert Gardner [SSNE 7695]. William Mercer responds that he received the money as a debt paid by a compatriot (unnamed) in Åbo. Anders brokikare states that he and William made a deal on the boat, and that the hats belong to William. Yet another Scottish burgess, Arvid Davidson, states that he saw the servant boy at William Mercer's shop carrying items under his arm (implying that Mercer had indeed fulfilled his end of the agreement). The magistrates decided that William Mercer should place the 24 riksdaler in the hands of the court until the matter was fully resolved.

In November 1648 William Mercer was cosignatory on a letter written by Jacob/James Merser [SSNE 4839].

James Merser's letter was cosigned by Jacob Gardiner [SSNE 4922], Ignatius Menner, Jurgen Garden Junior [George, SSNE 4924], James Gardiner [SSNE 4937], and Robert Smidt [SSNE 4938].

Sources: Swedish Riksarkiv, Biographica Microcard, E01412 4/7. Stockholmsstads Tänke Böcker 1633 (Stockholm, 2006), p.181.

Service record

Arrived 1648-01-01
Departed 1648-12-31
Capacity MERCHANT, purpose CIVIC, TRADE