Version History
Note: a third, minor number indicates bug fixes, minor interface changes and/or internal code changes.
If you find that a facility does not work in the way you expect in a new version whereas it worked OK in a previous version, please let me know. But if you have an urgent need to use that facility, you can download previous versions of DataView. You will have to manually uninstall any versions of DataView with a higher version number than that you wish to install.
If there is a tutorial available for a new feature, then there will be a link to it in the lists below.
Version 12.3.0
- Robust Fit: external data: The Robust Fit facility is now available for external data (i.e. data not generated by DataView) through the Analyse: External data menu command.
Version 12.2.4
- Non-Linear Curve Fit: The dialog now has a Continuous curve facility that plots a curve based on the chosen equation and parameters. If not selected, the dialog just plots a "join the dots" display connecting individual XY values with a straight line. This can be less informative if the X values are sparse or unevenly spaced.
Version 12.2.3
- Non-Linear Curve Fit: The dialog now has a Revert facility that returns parameters to their value before the most recent Fit attempt. This can be useful if the fit goes wildly wrong, and the original starting parameters need to be adjusted. The dialog also now shows the BIC value after manual adjustment of parameters or the equation.
Version 12.2.2
- Analyse: Spectrum, Cross-spectrum, Coherence: Coherence analysis now has an option to display the critical coherence value for 0.01 or 0.05 significance.
Version 12.2.1
- Analyse: Cluster traces: If you have a data file with many traces, you can sort the traces into groups which have similar waveforms (if such groups exist) by clustering based on principle component weighting coefficients. The group identity is coded by the colour in which the trace is drawn.
- Transform: Average from colour: Traces drawn in the same colour can be averaged on a point-by-point basis, with the average written as a new trace. Optionally, the point-by-point standard deviation of the average can also be written as a new trace. This facility can work in concert with the Cluster traces facility described above.
- Transform: Subtract trace: Subtract a trace from a selected list of other traces on a point-by-point basis. This may be useful for subtracting a background trace in imaging.
Version 12.1.1
- Cycle Trace View: The Cycle Trace View (activated through the View menu) displays a selected range of traces (not necessarily contiguous) on a single axis. Individual traces can be highlighted in turn, either by selecting them explicitly, or by clicking on a section of the trace in the view.
The timebase, and trace position and gain are synchronized with the top axis in the main Chart view.
The view may be useful if the document contains a large number of traces, so they cannot be displayed on separate axes in the main Chart View without excessive vertical compression. The Chart View
can be synchronized to the Cycle Trace View once a suitable range of "interesting" traces is determined.
- Trace Format dialog: It is now easier to set up a single axis Chart View display similar to that of the Cycle Trace View. The Chart View does not have the option to highlight individual traces, but it does have the full range of measurement and analysis options.
Version 11.23.6
- View: Pressing the Enter key in the vertical and horizontal scale edit boxes in the View now moves the focus to the next control (like pressing the Tab key).
Version 11.23.5
- Episodic data: There is improved protection against accidentally editing the event channel acting as the episode boundary marker.
Version 11.23.4
- Spectral analysis: The dialog now allows analysis of the cross-spectral density and coherence of two data traces, as well as the previous spectral analysis of a single trace.
- Analyse: Curve fit - external data: You can now perform a non-linear curve fit to a user-specified equation using data other than just the trace values. The data can come from an external source, or from within one of the DataView analysis routines. The data do not have to have equal-spaced X values.
- Dialog boxes: Previously, pressing the Enter key while the focus was on an edit control within a dialog used to activate the default dialog button, which usually closed the dialog. Now it has the same functionality as pressing the Tab key, which is to accept the data entry and to move the focus to the next control within the dialog.
- Curve fit: The default parameter value is now 1 rather than 0. This reduces the chances of an initial divide-by-zero exception when pasting a new equation. The curve fit parameters are renamed as a - h, rather than x1 - x8.
- Text file and clipboard: When loading a text file or pasting a new file from the clipboard, a row in the source data can be specified as column header text, and the elements will be included as trace labels. Remaining non-data header rows will be incorporated into the file comment.
- Bug fixes:
The Scope View crashed If showing a region with a user-specified time window containing no events.
Event Threshold: The negative Limit voltage was not read properly.
Version 11.22.1
- Event: Area re Base: The area of the parent trace within an event can now be calculated relative to a baseline drawn by linear interpolation from the first to last data values within the event.
- Event edit: Hill-valley analysis: The events defined by hill-valley analysis now include the data samples defining the trough before and after the peak of the hill. Previously, the trough after the peak was excluded. This means that the exact event parameters will be slightly different from those defined by previous versions, but in most cases with real data, the difference will be trivial.
- Analysis with multiple views: Many analysis facilities offer the option to only analyse data visible in the view. Previously, the view would always be the first view opened on the document. Now, if the user opts to have multiple views of the same document, the view to which the analysis is applied is the current active view, which is not necessarily the first view.
- Analyse: Measure: Click-and-list: This non-modal dialog caused a program crash if it was closed when no documents were open. This has now been fixed.
Version 11.21.6
- A bug that manifested when reading some Molecular Devices (formally Axon) ABF files recorded in Variable-Length Event-Driven mode has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the vertical Autoscale command to fail under certain rare view conditions has been fixed.
Version 11.21.5
- If a sub-file that was extracted from an episodic file did not include any boundary markers (events in channel a), then any subsequent transforms applied to the new sub-file failed. Now when such a file is read, the user is notified and the episodic flag is removed, allowing subsequent transforms to proceed.
If the sub-file includes events in channel a, but there is no event marking the start of the file, one is inserted.
Version 11.21.4
- Fixed a breaking regression in the Remove Exponential Drop dialog.
- Implemented some missing tooltips.
Version 11.21.3
- Minor improvement 2-D Scatter graph.
Valid range mark:
If you select an analysis region other than the whole file and the X axis is showing Time or ID, parts of the graph might be empty either because there are no events in that time region in the source file, or because that time region of the graph it is outside the analysis region.To help avoid confusion, valid time sections of the graph are marked by a line drawn under the X axis. The colour of the line can be adjusted by clicking the coloured button (to hide the line, set the colour to white).
If the X axis is not showing time or ID, or the whole file is selected for analysis (in which case all times are valid), the valid range mark is not shown.
Version 11.21.2
- Minor bug fixes including:
- Event bursts: the burst marker event now terminates at the end of the last event in the burst, rather than the start of that event as in the previous version.
- Make event point process no longer requires a parent trace if using event-relative timing.
- Event Logical operations were showing as blanks in the Multi-process batch dialog, now they show as normal text.
- Event Logical operations did not show the source channels in the File:History text, now they do.
Version 11.21.1
- Minor improvements to several facilites including:
- Histograms can hide the actual bin display, so that only the PDF and/or KDE graphs are shown
- Histograms can show bin values scaled as a density plot (total area under the bins = 1)
- Back button when fitting mixed PDF now goes back through entire history of changes since the dialog was opened.
- The Cluster dialog now has a Copy button to facilitate placing covariance information onto the clipboard.
- Several minor bug fixes.
Version 11.21.0
- Event analyse: Histogram:
- Option to display Kernel Density Estimate added.
- Rug plot option added
- Show/Fit PDF mixture now has option to determine initial parameters of a Gaussian mixture by 1D clustering the raw data.
- Bin colours can now be modified by the user.
- Analyse: Trace amplitude histogram:
- Option to display Kernel Density Estimate added.
- Rug plot option added
- Now has option to determine initial parameters of a Gaussian mixture by 1D clustering the raw data.
- Analyse: Histogram: external data: A stand-alone histogram can accept data from a source external to DataView (previously this was an option in the Event Histogram dialog).
- Analyse: Spike shape:
- New threshold option.
- Configuration files can be loaded by drag-and-drop.
- Various bug fixes.
- Traces: Experimental gain: Now works with CED files.
- Event edit: Threshold: Now has option to only clear events in the destination channel outside the analysis window.
- Event analyse: 2-D Scatter graph: If ID is selected on one axis, 1D clustering occurs, rather than the normal 2D clustering.
Version 11.20.2
- Event burst detection: Fixed some minor bugs.
Version 11.20.1
- Spike 2 files: Contains updated CED dll libraries for reading Spike2 files.
Version 11.20.0
- Event analyse: Histogram: From FILE: This option has been added to the histogram source parameter list. It allows DataView to read raw values from an external text file, and use these to generate the histogram. This means that the display, analysis and curve-fitting features of the histogram are available for data generated from other sources.
Version 11.19.0
- Event analyse: Histogram: If the histogram is showing a PDF and Copy/Save text is activated, the PDF values are included in the read-out.
- Batch: Multi-process batch configuration files (*.dtvw-batch) can be opened by dropping them onto the Multi-Process Batch dialog or a raw data file view.
- Transform: Extract sub-file: The history gives the actual time window of extraction, not just the selection mode.
- Navigation: Event channel: UI improvement for easier channel selection.
- Copy/Paste: Control-C and control-V activates copy/paste within axes edit boxes
- Bug fixes: Cumulative minor fixes to reduce crashes and improve accuracy during Multi-Process Batch processing, Event Template optimally scaled option, trace Amplitude histogram, Hill-valley analysis.
Version 11.18.1
- Event edit: Hill-valley analysis: The dialog has improved control of filter options and the objective statistical basis for filter settings.
In previous versions of DataView the Hill-Valley Analysis dialog allowed you to switch between detecting hills and valleys. With the increased complexity of features available within the dialog it became difficult to maintain compliance across both these options. Therefore if you want to detect valleys in a trace, you are now recommended to make an inverted copy of the trace and to detect hills in that instead.
Previously the height filter Merge/Exclude threshold was set as a multiple of the robust s.d. with the median automatically added to the threshold. Now addition of the median is an option.
- Measure: Trace statistics: You can now select particular regions of a recording as the source for calculating trace statistics (previously it was always the whole trace).
- Transform: Make data in events active/inactive: You can now select individual traces for the operation. You can choose whether the data within events should be made active or inactive.
- Transform: Set data value in events: The new expression parser (introduced in v11-17-1) now interprets variables et and ed as referring to the relative time within the current event and the duration of the current event respectively.
- Transform: Paste trace: The dialog now allows you to replace an existing trace as well as add a new trace.
- Bug fixes and UI improvements. Several, including increasing the MRU list size to 10, and adding a bottom-right gripper to most resizeable dialogs as a visual clue that they are, in fact, resizeable.
Version 11.17.1
- Expression Parser: The expression parser for solving user-defined equations is now based on the muParser library developed by Ingo Berg. There are a small number of changes required in expression syntax compared to previous versions, but the main difference is that equations can now include logical operators, and there is an improved implementation of conditional operations using an if-then-else ternary operator.
Version 11.16.3
- Scope view: Clicking on a sweep now highlights it, as well as centering it in the main Chart view.
Version 11.16.2
- File: DataView can now read Axon abf files acquired in all modes.
Version 11.16.1
- Spectrogram dialog: Add Zoom/Reset facility.
- Improve 3D view of Spectrogram and DWT analysis.
- Analyse: Cross-correlation: Add optional (on by default) correction factor to confidence limits to allow for serial correlation in both parent traces.
- Various bug fixes and UI improvements.
- Remove Tutorial docx and sample files from installation. These are now available on-line.
Version 11.15.0
- Event edit: Filter: Label filter: Optionally make the search text the label of the new event channel, and exclude if from the labels of new events.
- Event edit: Define from label text: Optionally make the Start search text the label of the new event channel, and exclude if from the labels of new events.
- Transform: Extract sub-file(s): If the Separate files (autoincrement names) option is selected there are two new sub-options.
- Contiguous data: If selected, the data between events (start-time to start time) is written to separate files. If not selected, the data within events is written to separate files.
- Append label: If selected, the label (if any) of the event defining the sub-file is included in the filename.
Version 11.14.0
- Transform: Filter: Smooth: Moving percentile: Implements a percentile filter. This is like a moving median filter, but allow percentile other than 0.5.
- Transform: Normalize: delta F/F0: Added Percentile filter option (see above). Added Lowest average option to filter by the region with lowest mean value calculated from a sliding window.
- Event edit: Activity level: Added option choice between summed data and SSD as activity metric.
- Events: Separate tags and labels so that events can have tags without labels and vice versa.
- Event analyse: List/Save parameters: Add event label and colour as options for display.
- Event edit: Filter: Label filter: Copy events into a new channel if their label text meets specified criteria.
- Event edit: Define from label text: Define events in a new channel by parsing label text in existing events to determine start and (optionally) end times.
- Event edit: Convert markers into events: Does what it says.
- Event analyse: Shape classification/clustering: Principal component analysis: N-trode: Cluster by PCA performed on multiple traces simultaneously. Useful for analysing tetrode (and other) recordings.
- Help: Tutorial: Opens browser link to on-line tutorial (rather than installed Word document, which is no longer being updated).
- Several interface improvements and minor bug fixes.
Version 11.13.4
- Event edit: Burst detect: Fixed bug in Set percentile function.
- Event analyse: List/Save parameters: Changed some options that were still using the previous definition of event interval (event – previous) to use the current definition (next – event).
- Several interface improvements.
Version 11.13.2
Events: Interval, Frequency, Gap duration: The instantaneous interval/frequency associated with an event is now measured from the time between the start of the event and the start of the next event (in early versions it was measured from the start of the previous event). This is for consistency with latency/phase/duty cycle vs interval plots. Similarly, the gap duration associated with an event is the time from the end of the event and the start of the previous event; i.e. it is the gap following the event rather than the gap preceding it.
- Event analyse: Scatter graph: Options have been added to allow plotting phase or latency against the interval of the base reference channel rather than just the interval of the channel whose phase or latency is measured.
The copy drop-down menu now allows just the data visible in a zoomed-in display to be copied as text values, rather than the whole file.
Horizontal and vertical cursors can be added to the Scatter graph.
The Trendline display now has an option to only fit data visible in the graph, rather than all the data.Analyse: Phase plane: Navigation bars have been added to the Phase plane analysis dialog to enable changing the main viewport, and hence the data analysed.
- Analyse: Measure data: Click-and-list, Measure box: The time now reports the nearest real sample time, rather than just the cursor screen time.
- Event analyse: List/save event parameters: When reporting the maximum and/or minimum values within events, the event-relative time of the maximum and minimum is also reported.
- Sound: Play: If the data sample rate is less than 500 Hz, the sound is played at 500 Hz (the minimum allowed by Windows) rather than forcing play at 5 KHz.
- Event edit: Latency/phase detect: This marks event pairs in different channels that have a particular phase or latency relative to each other.
- Event edit: Hill-valley analysis: Options have been added to the Hill-Valley Analysis dialog to allow the Merge foothills, Exclude molehills and Absolute threshold values to be set by dragging with the mouse within the detection preview.
- Add-ins: Horizontal, Vertical scale bars: Scale bars now show units.
- UI changes: There are several minor interface changes to enhance useability.
- Bug fixes: Several.
Version 11.12.1
- Analyse: Spectrum: A new facility performs immediate spectral analysis of the data viewport. This was previously only available through the time-varying Spectrogram analysis. NOTE: the term sonogram has now been replaced by spectrogram, to avoid confusion with medical ultrasound images which are often called sonograms.
- Transform: Filter: De-buzz: Removed the limit cursor lines from the De-buzz dialog display unless Use limit cursors selected.
- Traces: Line width: The user can now set the trace line thickness in the main view to be greater than a single pixel. This may produce more readable results if copying the display as a bitmap or metafile.
- Scale bars: Horizontal and vertical scale bars added using the Add-ins menu commands can now be edited by double-clicking the bar in the main view.
- Event analyse: Save event waveform: An option has been added to save to clipboard.
- Event edit: Threshold: Fixed a bug where the event display within the dialog did not update in response to clicking the Locate cursor, even if events were detected.
- Event-triggered Scope view: Improved handling of a user-selected pre-trigger time which goes before start of data. Now the user is warned, rather than just getting a silent ignore.
- Transform: When Add trace is selected in a transform, axis labels and event parent trace now shift down to keep in register with their original targets.
- File: New: From clipboard: Simulation recordings copied from Neurosim can be pasted as files.
Version 11.11.1
- Bug fixes and internal changes: Several.
- Configuration file drag-and-drop: Transform and Event edit operation dialogs whose parameters have been saved previously in a configuration file (*.dtvw-cfg) can now be opened and their parameters set by dragging the file from File Explorer and dropping it onto the Dataview main view. There is also a File: Load config file menu command that achieves the same function.
Configuration files can also be dropped directly onto an open operation dialog to set its parameters, by-passing the Load option in the dialog itself. This generates an error message if the configuration file is for a different operation.
Operation dialogs can be added to a Multi-process batch dialog To Do List by dragging-and-dropping an appropriate configuration files onto the dialog. Note: Batch configuration files themselves now have the extension *.dtvw-batch to avoid confusion with standard configuration files.
- Analyse: Autocorrelation: A Manual adjust option allows the user to adjust cursor positions if noise in the coefficient trace prevents the automatic detection of the troughs and peaks which determine the period and rhythmicity index.
Version 11.10.1
- View/Event analyse: Event-triggered scope view: If a sweep is highlighted, there is now an option to delete the event generating that sweep. This can help remove outlier events.
- Event edit: Rhythm in data: The Trace autocorrelation rhythm detect dialog now has a post-analysis filter option that can remove events in which the peak-to-peak amplitude of the data is below a specified threshold, or which have a duration below a specified minimum.
- Bug fixes and internal changes: There are several bug fixes and internal changes, including removing a regression that appeared in v8 that caused certain dialogs to fail to update when the event channel was changed.
Version 11.9.2
- Transform: De-mean/median, rectify, smooth: There is an option to measure the mean/median from a selected portion of the data file, rather than just from the entire recording. This allows the user to avoid any regions which contain large artefacts that might distort the value of the true data mean or median.
- Analyse: Measure data: Whole file statistics: A progress dialog with the option to cancel is now displayed when analysing large files. This is useful to keep track of measurements, since these may take some time to complete for very large datasets.
- Bug fix: A regression was introduced in v11.8 that caused certain dialogs to fail to update their display when the event channel was changed. This has been fixed.
Version 11.8.2
- File: Clipboard: Files copied to the clipboard from the separate simulation program Neurosim can now be pasted directly into DataView.
- Minor bug fix in annotation layout when opening EDF files
Version 11.8.1
- View/Traces: Show trace IDs: The trace ID number (1 – 128) can be shown as part of the label for each trace.
- View/Navigation: Timebase metric: The timebase scale under the mid-point of the X axis can be set to show time per grid division or time per viewport (the whole display duration).
- Traces: Same scale: Set the vertical (top and bottom) scales of a number of axes to the same values.
If no axis is selected, the scales of all axes are set to those of the top axis in the display.
If one axis is selected, the scales of all axes are set to those of the selected axis.
If several axes are selected, the scales of all selected axes are set to those of the top selected axis.
This command is also available as a toolbar button
- Slider bar: Dragging the left or right end of the slider bar adjusts the start or end time of the chart view display respectively (dragging the centre of the bar pans the viewport as previously).
- European Data Format (EDF+) files: Time-stamped annotation lists (TALs) that occur within visible parts of the data (i.e. not in gaps between recordings) are shown as labelled events.
Version 11.7.0
- File: Batch convert to txt: Convert a set of data files which are in a format readable by DataView into tab-separated text format.
- Copy commands: Most facilites that allow copying data to the clipboard (in bitmap, metafile or text format) now also allow saving the data to a file. This is to help in situations where the Windows clipboard may not be available (e.g. some VDI environments running on a Mac computer).
Version 11.6.0
- Analyse: Trace vs Trace: Draw an XY scatterplot, with one trace plotted against another on a point-by-point basis.
Analyse: Free form graph and cluster: Draw a rotatable 3-D scatter graphs of numerical data acquired by pasting from the clipboard, with optional clustering.
Version 11.5.1
- Record/Stimulate: DT board: Single-ended and differential input modes are now available on hardware that supports them.
The output control has been improved, with the option to easily generate trains of pulses.
- Event edit: Rhythm in data: The option to pre-filter data (rectify, smooth and reduce sample rate) has been added. Reducing the sample rate can considerably speed up analysis in cases where pre-smoothing is used.
- Event edit: Rhythm in events: Internal changes improve accuracy and speed.
- Event edit: Threshold: Internal changes to improve responsiveness in analysis.
Version 11.4.0
- Event analyse: List/save parameters now gives a choice to report time values in seconds or milliseconds.
- Fixed GDI-Scaling bug in File: Write video that caused partial screen capture when DataView was used with on a HiDPI monitor.
- Fixed bug in Phase and Latency display on the 2-D scattergraph that caused selection of an incorrect event when clicking on a point.
Version 11.3.2
- Recording bug fixes:
Save button in main toolbar now saves acquisition files
Display glitches in Arduino real-time recording fixed
Copy bitmap to clipboard: Fixed bug due to GDI-Scaling in HiDPI displays.
Version 11.3.1
- Microsoft dll: Setup now includes a Microsoft system dll missing from some Windows installations.
No change in DataView itself.
Version 11.3.0
- Event edit: Hill-valley analysis: An interactive preview has been added to the dialog, and several new options are available, including one to detect valleys instead of just hills.
- High-resolution monitors: The display on high DPI monitors has been enhanced by implementing GDI scaling in the program manifest.
- Analyse: Estimate time constant re events: A text accumulator has been added so the results of non-sequential manual fits can be accumulated and displayed on completion. The current analysis event can now be automatically centred in the main view.
- Trace axis context menu: Trace gain and position can be set from context menu options by right-clicking within a vertical axis (to the left of the vertical line).
- Bug fixes: Various.
Version 11.2.0
- Spike 2: CED Spike 2 files with the smrx file extension (i.e. 64-bit integer format) can now be read. Note, however, that DataView still has a file size limit of about 2 gigabytes because it still uses 32-bit integers for most operations. This is to maintain compatibility with other 32-bit commercial file formats and libraries.
- Transform: Set data value in events: A new option Subtract within-event average of source has been added. This calculates the average waveform within events in a channel (e.g. the average waveform of a spike detected by template recognition), and then subtracts this from the source waveform within each event. In this way the recognized spike can be “removed” from the recording.
- File: Save As: The default file extension for files saved in text format has been changed from asc to txt. This is closer to the Windows standard, and allows easy opening by programs such as Notepad or Excel. There is no difference in the content of the files themselves.
- Event-Triggered Scope View: When an average waveform is displayed, alt-Copy now copies the numerical values of the average waveform to the clipboard (and the S.D. if displayed). Raw waveform data can still be copied as previously by unselecting the average option.
- Locale: DataView now detects the locale settings of the host computer, and reads/writes text accordingly. The most important consequence is that text files from locales in which a comma is used as the decimal separator can now be read directly, rather than requiring conversion to a full-stop decimal separator.
Version 11.1.1
- Crash bug fixes in Analyse: Measure Data: Measure re cursors/tmes and Event analyse: Integrate re events.
Version 11.1.0
- Event analyse: Make analysis into data: The Frequency in time bin and Count in time bin options now allow smoothing with a sliding window.
- Non-modal dialogs like the Event-triggered scope view can now be restored from a minimized state, and/or brought to the top of the window stack, by selecting their menu command. Previously, if they were covered or minimized, they had to be found by searching.
- A crashing bug in the Analyse: Spike shape facility has been fixed.
Version 11.0.0
- Transform: Preview: The preview view of trace transformations now allows you to superimpose the transformed and raw data, so you can more easily compare filtered data with the original.
- Transform: Filter: Smooth: All smoothing types have been combined into 1 dialog box, so you can rapidly compare the effects of different types of smoothing.
Savitzky-Golay filtering has been added as a smoothing option.
- Analyse: Spike shape: The peak of the 3rd derivative has been added as an option for specifying threshold.
Savitzky-Golay smoothing replaces moving average smoothing for waveform smoothing.
- Transform: Derivative: Derivatives can be calculated either using the finite difference or Savitzky-Golay methods, with the latter including automatic smoothing.
- Event edit: Logical operation: AND NOT has been added as an option.
- Event analyse: Correlation index: A single-valued correlation index is available for rapidly surveying potential correlations between multiple traces. The option to calculate the spike timing tiling coefficient (STTC) is also available.
- Event edit: Insert: Regular/random point process. An Apply button has been added to different types of insertion can be tested without having to dismiss and re-open the dialog.
The gamma distribution has been added as an option for random insertion.
- Event analyse: Histogram/statistics: Show/fit PDF mix. Data in the histogram can now be fitted to the gamma distribution, with up to 4 mixture components.
- Event edit: Burst detect: This facility now has a manual detection option. A histogram of the log of inter-event intervals is now shown in the dialog to aid visualizing the potential burst structure of data.
- Bug fixes:
An event parameter list bug introduced at the last update has now been fixed.
Partition histograms displaying a log X-axis should now work.
Version 10.9.0
- Transform: Average traces: The point-by-point average of 2 or more traces can be calculated and written as a new trace. Optionally, the point-by-point standard deviation can also be written as a new trace.
- Transform: Normalize: Various normalization options are available, including ∆F/F0.
- Transform: Remove negative exponential drift: In some circumstances a data trace may have baseline drift in the form of a negative exponential. This is particularly common in fluorescent image analysis due to photo-bleaching. DataView offers a facility for removing such drift.
- Transform: Make episodic/non-episodic: This allows the user to set or unset a flag which causes events in channel a to be interpreted as markers indicating boundaries between separate episodes of data acquisition.
- Transform: Change timebase: This allows the user to change the timebase (ADC sample interval) within a file. It is primarily intended for use with user-constructed or simulated data, or for data read from another source where for some reason the wrong sample interval has been acquired.
Version 10.8.1
- Maintenance release: Fixed a bug that caused a crash when opening CED Signal files with very long-duration data frames.
Version 10.8.0
- Event edit: Multi-Trace Template: A template recognition facility has been added that looks for matches in shape and timing in multiple traces, so repeating patterns of waveform spanning more than one trace can be detected.
- Event edit: Multi-Channel Patter: A facility that looks for patterns in nearest-neighbour timing in multiple event channels has been added.
- Event edit: Timing: Make point process: Multiple source channels can now be processed in one operation.
- Event edit: Channel Properties: An option to reset all individual event colours within a channel to black is now available.
- Event edit: Channel Properties: An option to set the line thickness of individual event channels is available. This can be used to highlight channels of particular importance.
- Event analyse: Event-Triggered Scope View: An option for +/- averaging is now available. This subtracts alternate sweeps from an accumulating average, and is a way of estimating residual noise.
- Event analyse: Duty cycle: An option to calculate the event duty cycle is now available in graphing and listing facilities. Duty cycle is the fraction of the inter-event interval (cycle period) occupied by the event defining the start of the interval.
- Add ins: Scale bars: The font, size and colour of the text labels of scale bars can now be edited. This makes bitmap copies of the DataView display which include scale bars more useable for direct figure construction.
- Analyse: Free-form graph and cluster: A matrix of data values (in tab-separated column format) can be imported from the clipboard and displayed in a 3D-graph with clustering facilities. This allows DataView to analyse data generated outside of the programme, as well as internal data that are not within the parameter options offered within the other graph/histogram facilities.
- The licenced version of DataView can now be launched directly by double-clicking dtvw-dat files.
Version 10.7.4
- Event edit: Insert: Manual single event: The user can add individual events with defined timing and properties to any event channel.
- Transform: Local energy: The local energy transforms (power, variance and Teager energy operator) have been combined into a single dialog so that the user can easily switch between them in preview mode to compare the different effects and select the optimum.
- RndO(time constant): A new function has been added to the aritmetic parser used in transforming or creating data traces which generates numbers according to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with a central value of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The O-U process is a random-walk, but with a tendency to move back to a central value of 0. The rate at which it returns is set by the time constant, with long time constants generating time series with higher serial correlation than short ones. This is a good model for generating simulated ion channel noise in neural recordings (Linaro et al., 2011).
- File: Save As Legacy (v10.0): You can now save data files to an earlier file format. This is to help file exchange with people running an earlier version of DataView. Obviously, features added after the legacy format cannot be saved.
- Scale Bars: The default text value of scale bar Add-Ins can be hidden. The purpose of the default text is to act as a value place-holder in exporting as high-definition images (SVG, EPS). If the scale bars are for a screen image within DataView, the user may prefer to use an Annotation to specify the value, since the text font, size and position can be set explicitly in annotations.
- Bug fixes: A Microsoft bug that caused some edit boxes to change values without user intervention has been fixed. A bug that prevented the Arduino data acquisition code from working correctly has been fixed. A bug in data acquisition through the microphone has been fixed. The user can now choose the installation directory.
Version 10.6.0
- Matrix view: A new view is available through the View or Windows menu, consisting of a rectangular matrix of cells, with each cell showing a single trace. The dimensions of the matrix, and the specification of which trace displays in which cell, are set by the user.
This view allows more easy visualisation of data when there are many traces in the recording. It also enables traces to be viewed in a layout that reflects electrode configuration for data derived from a multi-electrode array (MEA) or similar recording system.
- MultiChannel Systems: Support for simple continuous and triggered recordings made with the MultiChannel Systems MC-Rack acquisition system (.mcd files) has been added using the Neuroshare library.
- Event analyse: List/Save parameters. If an event channel does not have a parent trace, then trace-related analysis is now performed on all the traces in the recording. Previously, trace-related analysis was restricted to just the parent trace, and was unavailable if there was no parent trace.
- Trace: Information. Each trace can now have an extended description, which can be edited through the Trace Information dialog box.
- Trace: Format: This dialog has been rearranged to have a more intuitive interface (I hope). An automatic high-contrast colour option has been added.
- Display: The screen update speed has been increased by double-buffering the main displays. This is particularly noticable with recordings that have many traces.
Version 10.5.0
- History: An editable history facility has been added that can be accessed throught the File: History menu command. The history is in text format, and shows the name, time and parameters of any data transforms and event edits that have been applied to the file since its creatation. This replaces the Append parameter facility that was previously available in the transform dialog boxes. Elements from the history text can be deleted, so that redundant edits (e.g. those that were reversed during further editing) can be removed. The history text is an integral part of the dtvw-dat file, so it is automatically synchronized with the data.
Event Threshold detection: There are two new facilities in the Event edit: Threshold facility.
- The threshold can be set relative to statistics (e.g. 5-sigma deviations from the mean) measured automatically from the “least active” part of the specified parent trace. This means that DataView can attempt to identify the part of a data trace that contains just background noise, rather than noise+signal.
- The threshold can be measured simultaneously from all traces in a file, with each trace deriving its own threshold as specified by the threshold source. So each trace may have a separate threshold depending on the level of background noise in that trace. The resulting events are stored in contiguous event channels, one channel per trace.
- Write audio wav files: The File: Write audio file facility has two new facilities.
- Files can be written at the native sample frequency of the source data, rather than just the standard audio frequecies used for normal sound files.
- The user can specify to write the whole file, or just the data visible in the main view.
- Arduino support: DataView now supports recording through the Arduino family of microcontroller boards. This can provide up to 4 channels of DC data acquisition at sample frequencies of up to 5 kHz (for single channel recording, multiplexed down for multichannels).
- Microphone recording: A Play option has been added to the microphone recording facility, so acquired data can immediately be played back as sound without having to save the file first.
- Multi-threading: Data recording and storage through the microphone, Arduino and DataTranslation boards now run in a background thread. This substantially reduces the chances of lost data if the main DataView display thread is busy (e.g. in viewing or transforming another file).
- Audio display: In previous versions WAV format audio files were displayed scaled to +/- 1 or +/1 1000. They are now displayed with native resolution - the values on the screen reflect the actual values in the file.
- Bug fixes: various.
Version 10.4.0
- DataView filename extension: The extension for native DataView files has been changed to *.dtvw-dat. This is to avoid conflict with Adobe Photoshop filter files which have the extension flt. DataView dtvw-dat files now display with the DataView icon in Windows explorer, and should open by double-clicking (although you may have to associate them with DataView first). DataView .flt files can still be read, but if you wish you can re-name the extension on existing flt files for consistency.
DataView configuration files are now given the extension *.dtvw-cfg so that they can be more easily identified. Existing configuration files can still be read by simply re-naming the extension.
DataView header files (which link DataView specific properties such as events or annotations to commercial data formats) now have the extension *.dtvw-hdr. Existing header files can still be read by simply re-naming the extension.
- Microphone recording: A facility for recording through the microphone input of the host computer has been added. This enables DataView to use the AD converter of a standard computer audio input for data acquisition, if the signal is preconditioned with a suitable amplifier (e.g. Backyard Brains). Note that most (all?) microphone input facilities are AC-coupled with non-quantifiable gain, meaning that they are OK for extracellular recording, but no use for intracellular or other recordings where a stable voltage is monitored.
- Event analysis: Histogram/statistics: A PSTH (peri-stimulus time histogram) option has been added. This is very similar to the cross-correlogram option, but with additional display options and the requirement that stimuli are spaced sufficiently far apart that there is no ambiguity regarding which response (or pre-stimulus control) is associated with which stimulus.
- Event analysis: Histogram/statistics: An option to optimize the bin number of the histogram display through Baysian inference has been added.
- Event threshold detection: A preview of events that will be detected with the current settings is now shown within the detection dialog itself.
- DataTranslation recording: Substantial internal changes and some interface changes have been made to the recording facilities which use the DataTranslation AD-DA boards.
- AxoGraph files: Simple AxoGraph files can now be read into DataView.
Event edit: Filter: The dialog boxes now display in non-modal form, so that the effect of filters can be observed and adjusted without dismissing the dialog box.
- Analyse: Spike shape: New facilities for threshold detection have been added to this tool.
- Curve fitting: The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) metric has been added to the output to aid deciding between different putative models.
- Deprecated Flash: The option to write a video in Flash format has been removed. This is because the code used to write the video is no longer compatible with the latest Flash format, and replacement code has not been found.
- Deprecated printing: The print options have been removed from DataView because most users export data to other programs for printing, and maintaining the code was complicating the development of new facilities.
Version 10.3.0
- Transform dialogs: Append comment: The text in the Comment edit box no longer shows the whole file comment, but instead any text entered here is appended to the main comment. This is for consistency with batch processing.
- Transform dialogs: Ap param: Clicking this button automatically enters a text listing of the parameter values into the Append comment edit box. This can save tedious typing.
- Transform dialogs: Preview: The preview window no longer has an independent trace selection facility. Instead, the preview trace is selected as the first trace listed in the Traces to process edit box of the controlling dialog. This prevents the user previewing one trace, but applying the transforms to a different trace!
- Scope View: Region: The Sweeps to Draw in the Scope View can now be specified with the Region dialog facility. This offers the whole file, the visible screen, a user-specified time range, or discontinous ranges specfied by a gate event channel as a filter to specify which sweeps are drawn.
- Scope View: Sweep colour: Layering: If sweep colours are specified as deriving from event colours then the order in which colour groups are drawn can be specified, so as to bring a particular colour to the top layer of the view. The Layer facility can also be used as a filter to restrict the display to specified colour groups.
- Scope View: Average: If sweep colours are specified as deriving from event colours then separate averages are drawn for each colour group. The Layering facility can be used to restrict the average display to specified colour groups.
- Scope View: Navigation: When you hover over trace sweeps in the view, a short vertical cursor indicates which sweep is closes to the mouse. This is the trigger event to which you will navigate if you click on the Scope View display.
- Event edit: Template recognition: You can increase the nominal sample rate on-the-fly to improve recognition of waveform shapes that are distorted by low sample rates (although of course you cannot avoid the Nyquist limits). You can also save matched waveforms to an event-only active file.
Version 10.2.1
- Transform: Filter: De-buzz: The algorithm has been improved so that the noise template updates as a rolling average. The user no longer has to specify the length of data to de-buzz before acquiring a new template.
Event analyse: Histogram/statistics: There is now a partition option available on the histogram which enables events contributing to different regions of the histogram to be partitioned into different colours, and subsequently into different channels if desired.
Version 10.1.0
- Event Analyse: Histogram/statistics. Two new parameter display options; Count in time bin and Freq (in time bin). These divide the record into a sequence of contiguous bins and show the event count or the average event frrequency within each bin
- Scope View: Navigation buttons have been added so quick changes can be made without manually editing the display parameters.
Version 10.0.0
- Can now read CED Signal (cfs) files where the data have been stored in real (8-byte floating point) format.
Version 9.9.0
- Tidied up some keyboard shortcuts for navigation.
- Fixed bug causing sporadic failure in copying to clipboard from measurement dialogs.
- Right-click on main view offers context menu option to copy time and voltage at that location to the clipboard.
- Changed Measure dialog to show trace IDs.
- Allow editing of Measure output before copying to clipboard.
Version 9.8.0
- Analyse: Click-and-list: After selecting this option a non-modal dialog box appears. Click in the main view to display a list of the time and the trace data values at that time in a dialog box. You can click multiple times, adjusting the main view as appropriate. The listed values can be copied to the clipboard..
Version 9.7.1
- View: Main display time units: You can select whether time in the main view shows using millisecond, second or decimal minute time units.
Version 9.6.0
- File: Open options: Template: This menu option enhances and replaces the Initial view: Retain current settings option. It displays a dialog which allows the user to decide which settings to retain, with many more options than previously. The idea is that an open file can act as a template whose appearance will be replicated in any files opened subsequently.
- File: Save all: Save all open files. This “locks in” any changes made to open files.
- Analysis Regions: The facility to set analysis regions (see v 9.2.0) has been extended to the 2D Scatterplot. To simplify the interface the facility is now accessed through a checkbox which calls up a separate non-modal dialog box.
- Due to changes in the Microsoft compiler there are substantial changes in the internal data structures used in the program.
- User-reported bugs have been fixed.
Version 9.5.0
- Measure. Output windows show time difference values as instantaneous frequency in addition to time.
- Circular Phase plot. There is now the option to show a circular (rose) plot for phase display. This is accessed through the standard Event analyse: Histogram menu.
Version 9.4.0
- RandP. A function generating random pink (1/f) noise has been added to the facility for arithmetic operations on traces.
- Spectrum analysis: The spectrum display now updates if you play a trace as sound through the sonogram facility. The display now has an option to show the X (frequency) axis on a logarithmic scale, enabling log-log plots.
- Event Histogram display: A Bonferroni correction is applied to the confidence limits for auto- and cross-correlation analysis to take account of the number of bins in the histogram.
- Event edit: Timing: Random resample intervals. The intervals between successive start times of events within a selected channel are resampled with replacement. This is similar in effect to the random shuffle, but the replacement means that the exact interval distribution will vary randomly with each call.
Version 9.3.0
- Transform: Import trace. Traces can now be imported from files with different recording durations. If an imported trace is shorter than the receiving host file traces it will be end-filled with inactive data, if it is longer it will be truncated.
- Event edit: Appearance: Hide/show channels: The dialog which sets event channel visibility has been enhanced to show the number of events in each channel, and the channel label. If there are more than 26 channels an editable map of all 999 available channels is shown as a matrix, and the count of events in a channel, and its label can be shown by hovering the mouse over the channel mark in the map.
Version 9.2.0
- Copy events to clipboard or Export to File. Events channels can be copied to the clipboard in text format (start time, end time) so that they can be pasted directly into Excel or some other analysis programme.
- Event edit: Timing: Random shuffle intervals. The intervals between successive start times of events within a selected channel are shuffled. This means that the distribution of event intervals is maintained, but serial correlations within the channel and correlations to events in other channels will be lost.
- Delete all traces. You can now delete all data traces to make an event-only file. This can substantially reduce file size. A single dummy data trace remains.
- Event analyse: Make analysis into data: This now has a frequency histogram option which allows you to write a continuous histogram showing the binned frequency of events over time.
- Histogram: Analysis regions: Histograms of event parameters can now be restricted to defined analysis regions within the file. These can be the whole file, the visible screen, a user selected time window, or a series of windows defined by events in a gating event channel. These options can help improve analysis of non-stationary data.
Version 9.1.0
- Event tags and labels: Individual events can be tagged and/or labelled independently (i.e. a label can be applied to an untagged event and vice versa). You can navigate between labelled events with ctrl l (next) and alt l (previous). Tags and labels are edited from within the Single event properties dialog box.
- Single event properties: This non-modal dialog box allows you to set the properties of single events within a channel. You select an event by clicking on it, and can navigate between consecutive events using spin buttons. Selected events become centred in the main view. You set the desired property (tag, label, colour, exact position etc.) and then click the appropriate Apply button.
- Event numerical display: Each event channel can now have a different numerical display for the events. The choice is set within the Channel properties dialog rather than from the main menu.
- CED Spike: A bug in reading TextMark channels is fixed. Plain marker channels are imported as DataView event channels rather than markers.
- Event edit menu: The menu structure has been simplified to reduce the number of main level entries. Key changes include:
- Parent trace: This is now set within the Channel properties dialog rather than from the main menu
- Delete tagged/untagged events: This is now a sub-option on the Delete option
Version 9.0.0
- A new About splash screen!
- Recording and Stimulation: A major revision of recording and stimulating facilities has taken place. See the Tutorial section for details.
- Event channels: The maximum number of event channels has increased from 26 to 999. The default maximum is still 26 channels labelled a – z, but the user can opt to increase the limit and label them 1 – 999 using the File: General options menu.
- Data traces: The maximum number of data traces (and axes) has been increased to 128.
- Copy and paste event channels: Event channels can now be copied to the clipboard and pasted into the same or other files.
- Cancel option: The Show all or Compress navigation commands can be cancelled if you attempt to show a really large file that could take a long time to display.
- Data display options: The data (trace) display can be separate from the event display. Event-only displays are possible even for files that contain data.
- Distribute event channels: Event channels can be distributed evenly either across the whole screen, or in the screen region which is separate from the trace axis region.
- Event channel reorder/compact: The order of event channels can be changed, and empty event channels compacted with a single menu command.
- Txt files: Files with the extension “txt” can now be opened directly in DataView. They are treated exactly as “asc” files were treated previously.
- Phase histogram: The statistical description of phase histogram data uses circular statistics (where phase 0 and 1 indicate the same point on the circle).
Version 8.6.0
- Event edit: Adjust start/end times: Includes an option to bracket a peak data value, with the edges set as a percentage of the rising and falling trough-to-peak heights.
- Event edit: Edit single event(s). A non-modal dialog box enables the colour, tag, or timing of events to be adjusted individually.
- Event edit: Insert: Import: From clipboard. Events can now be imported from clipboard data.
- Event colour. You can set the colour of an event through the context menu by right-clicking it.
- Some bugs fixed.
Version 8.5.0
- Main view. The mouse cursor changes to an up-arrow when it passes over draggable objects or objects with a context menu option.
- Graph selection. For most graphs with a selection facility, just clicking the Sel button allows drawing a free-form shape around objects to be selected, but alt-clicking constrains the shape to a rectangle, and control-clicking constrains the shape to a rectangle that can be subsequently edited by dragging on a re-sizing handle.
- File: New: From clipboard. Can transpose rows and columns, so can now paste directly from many alt-Copy (copy as text) options which put a data trace in a row (e.g. from Scope View to create a file with each sweep a separate trace – but with a maximum of 16).
- Edit: Options. Some global options can now be set throughout the program by the user. Limited functionality at this stage.
- Some bugs fixed.
Version 8.4.0
- Transform: Paste trace. A new trace can be constructed in an existing file by pasting numeric data from the clipboard.
- Transform: Trace timeshift. Traces can be shifted forwards or backwards in time. Newly-exposed data values are zero-filled.
- Stimulus-response latency raster enhancements. The dialog is now non-modal. Clicking on the display centres the nearest response event. Groups of events (stimulus and responses) can be coloured or tagged by dragging a selection around them.
- Scope View enhancements. You can now save the display in EPS or SVG high-definition graphics format. Horizontal and vertical scale bars can be added for preparation of publication-quality figures. The Measurement options in the Scope View have been simplified, because the various event manipulations and parameter lists provide extensive measurement and analysis facilities which are more flexible than can be achieved in the Scope View (which is quite complex enough as it is). The video output option within the Scope View has been removed. If anyone wants it back, let me know.
- Bugs fixed. In Rhythm Helper clicking on the graphs sometimes failed to centre the appropriate point. Scope View crashed when changing trace gain or position in the main view.
Version 8.3.0
- Density ('Heat') plot. A density plot can be drawn from the Event triggered scope view. This shows a disply as a 2D histogram with horizontal time bins and vertical voltage bins. The colour of each bin reflects the number of sweeps that have a sample which falls within that bin.
- Analyse: Spike shape. This facility has additional features.
Version 8.2.0
- Tutorials and Samples. Tutorials and samples are now installed in the Documents library (or My Documents) rather than in the programme installation folder. This is to avoid access permission issues in Windows 7.
- Analyse: Spike shape. A facility to analyse intracellularly-recorded spike shapes has been added. You can detect threshold (either as the voltage at which a user-specified rate of rise is achieved, or the voltage at which the rate of rise changes most rapidly), maximum rate or rise or fall, duration at half-amplitude, and several other features.
- Event analyse: Stimulus-response latency raster. This adds a facility to draw raster plots showing the distribution of latencies of events in a response channel relative to events in a stimulus channel.
- Event edit: Colour. You can now set the colour of groups of events in a channel using timing information.
- Scale bars. Scale bar add-ins now show scale values in the main view and also in exported high-definition graphics files. Once added, scale bars can be hidden on shown using the View menu.
- Output dialog. You can now increase or decrease the tab stop settings. Increasing the tab stop size can help to line up columns when long data values are showing in each column.
Version 8.1.0
- Delete and Merge event groups. You can now repeatedly delete or merge event groups by drawing around them with the mouse, without having to select the menu command each time. Cancel by right-clicking, pressing Esc, or drawing round a non-event screen region.
Version 8.0.0
- Recording and stimulating facility added. You can now record data and stimulate directly with DataView using DataTranslation data acquisition boards.
Version 7.7.1
- Event analyse: JPSTH. Perform joint peri-stimulus time analysis (Aertsen et al., 1989. J. Neurophysiol. . 61; 900-917).
- Event edit: Move events. Individual events can be moved from one channel to another. This facility is also available by right-clicking an event.
- Event edit: Load and Save events. Whole event channels can be saved to and loaded from file. You can thus transfer events from one data file to another.
- Multiple event sources. Logical AND, OR, XOR are now available with multiple event channel sources. Multiple event channels can also be used in the Set data value within events transform.
- Save templates in Spike Sorter Wizard. You can now save templates acquired in one analysis session and use them in another.
Version 7.6.0
- Spike sorter wizard. You can now increase the frequency of spikes by up-sampling using FFT interpolation. This reduces "jitter" in spike shapes due to the discrete sampling interval.
- Event parameters. Many more options for event parameter display in main view and Event list/save.
- Event value filter. Many more options for filtering.
- Bug fixes
Version 7.4.0
- Event parameter list. Normal statistics option shows mean and standard deviation, robust statistics option shows median and robust standard deviation..
Version 7.3.0
- Enhanced autocorrelation rhythm analysis. Interactive preview added to rhythm detection. Events derived from other sources can be assessed for rhythmicity index and period using autocorrelation.
- Saving audio (.wav) files. You can normalize the data when you save it, so that the data peak-to-peak replays at full volume, or you can save the file at the actual sound intensity represented by the data values.
Version 7.2.0
- Scope View. The Scope View interface has been substantially upgraded, with axes and grid lines displayed. The average facility now allows raw data and the s.d. envelope to be shown superimposed on the average. Two cursors are now available. The data values from individual traces can now be shown by hovering the mouse over them. A new colour-coded raster intensity plot is available.
- Event histogram analysis. A facility to show and/or fit a PDF from a mixture of up to 4 different components has been added. The distributions can be Gaussian, exponential or Poisson. The Y axis can now be scaled to show the actual counts, the natural log of the counts or the square root of the counts. A special display showing the X axis on a logarithmic scale allows easier analysis of exponential distributions.
- Trace amplitude histogram. The distribution of data values can be displayed in a histogram, and a mixture of up to 4 Gaussian (normal) components can be fitted to the data.
- Waveform Autocorrelation and Crosscorrelation. It is now possible to perform correlation analysis on raw trace waveforms, as well as the pre-existing event correlation facility.
- Sojourn (Dwell-Time) Analysis. Channel kinetics can be investigated through sojourn analysis. This allows a fit of up to 4 exponential components to event open and closed time distributions. The data can be shown on a sqrt(Y) : log(X) display.
- Dummy data files. Event-only files with dummy data can be constructed by the user.
- Event-only active. Data files can be shrunk by setting traces to be inactive outside of events. Inactive data sections are not stored, so this can reduce the size of files with substantial regions of inactivity.
- Show/Hide inactive data sections. Inactive data sections can be shown as greyed traces, or hidden completely.
- Dot/line display. Individual traces can be set to display as dots or lines.
- Quick measurement: The Analyse: Measure box facility provides a way of making rapid measurements from the display.
- Event value filter: Filter events by parameters read from the parent trace data, including maximum, minimum, average, peak-to-peak, area or RMS.
- Interface changes. A variety of interface changes have been implemented to try to improve useability/consistency.
- New files formats. DataView can now read:
- DataQ files(.wdq) using the DataQ-supplied ActiveX control,
- PicoScope files exported in Matlab format (.mat),
- csv (comma-separated value) text file format.
- Event analyse: Frequency spectrum. You can do a spectral analysis of data restricted to the windows defined by events in a specfied channel.
- Event edit: Rhythms in data. Detect periods of waveform oscillation using autocorrelation analysis.
Version 7.1
Beta test version only
Version 6.3
- Publication quality vector graphics export.
- EPS and SVG format. The main view can now be exported in high-resolution vector graphics format. Encapsulated postscript (EPS) and scaleable vector graphcs (SVG) formats are supported.
- Embedded scale bar. A single horizontal scale bar, and multiple vertical scale bars, can optionally be included in a view.
- Enhanced Rhythm Analysis.
- Hill-Valley Analysis. A hill-valley analysis method has been added to the Event edit menu, and the Rhythm analysis helper dialog box. This can write events around “hills” detected in a data trace, with optional exclusion of small molehills. This can be used for rhythm detection after rectifying and smoothing the data trace.
- Merge/drop filter. There is now an automatic search method for the optimal parameters for the Merge/Drop analysis mode.
- Moving-average (boxcar) smoothing. This can now be multi-pass. Four iterations of boxcar smoothing approximates to smoothing with a Gaussian kernel, but is much faster.
- Poisson surprise burst detection. The algorithm for searching for the most surprising bursts has been changed to the exhaustive search method.
- Event edit: Delete: Channel list. You can now select several event channels for deletion at once by writing a list.
- Trace delete. Right-clicking on a trace offers the option on the context menu to delete the trace.
- Spike clustering using the discrete wavelet transform – the program can automatically select the coefficients with the “least normal” distributions. These are likely to be the most useful ones for clustering.Automatic selection of DWT coefficients for clustering
- Event analyse: List/save event parameters. An option to list/graph RMS and energy values within events has been added
Version 6.2
- Transform: Remove Local DC. This scans the record and subtracts the average of the data values in a window surrounding each point from that point.
- The Transform: Derivative (slope) command has been enhanced. The command now calculates the derivative of a particular datum value as the slope at that point calculated by linear regression over a user-determined window of values surrounding the point.
- A log plot option has been added to the histogram display of the Pattern analysis helper dialog box.
- Event Edit: Detect Outliers. This command allows the user to identify events from data outliers within the record. Outliers are regarded as data which deviate by more than a user-determined multiple of the standard deviation from the mean of a user-selected “noise” section of the record.
- Axon files. Fixed bug where markers were not displayed at the correct time.
- File loading can now be cancelled from the File Information dialog box that displays as the file is loading.
Version 6.1.1
- Event analyse: List/save parameters. Fixed bug where not all parameters were saved.
Version 6.1
- Analyse: Phase-Plane analysis. Phase-plane analysis (plot of dV/dt vs V) available.
- Event analyse: Lorentz (Poincare) return map. Plot facility added.
- Event display. Event display changed so that on/off edges are between samples, so that it is unambiguously clear which data are actually within events.
- Event edit: Logical operations. Event channels can be combined with AND, OR or XOR logic.
- Event analyse: Area and average within event options added to scattergraphs and histogram.
- Event analyse: Histogram. Evoked count option added.
- Add ins: Markers. Markers can be locked so that they cannot be accidently dragged with the mouse. When markers are read from a data acquisition file they are automatically locked, but can be manually unlocked.
- Event analyse: Integrate. Data can be integrated within events.
- Sound: Play 5kHz, 11kHz. Sound can be played at a fixed frequency, not just the frequency of the data acquisition.
- EDF files. European Data Format and EDF+ files can be read.
- Event edit: Delete: Event group within channel. There is now an option to delete a consecutive group of events by dragging around them with the mouse.
- CED Spike file support. Waveform channels can be displayed from files in CED Spike format.
- Axon file support. Support for Axon files in version 10 format has been added.
- Event edit: Set duration. Gaussian noise can be added to the event durations.
- Event analyse: Pattern analysis helper. An interactive frequency and duration display helps analysis of patterned activity.
- Re-organised menus. Menu options have been rationalized and re-organized to try to make them more concise and intuitive.
Version 5.2
- Draw/Average/Measure dialog box. An option has been added
to allow event traces to be aligned on the average values of an initial section
of the traces, rather than just the very first point.
- Draw/Average/Measure dialog box. The highlight event spin
buttons have acceleration disabled. This means that if you hold the mouse
button down on the spin button, you scroll through each event in turn, and
do not skip later events as occurs if acceleration is enabled.
- You can launch the tutorial from within DataView, if you chose to install
the samples and tutorial files.
Version 5.1
- Event edit: Delete: Multi-del events. You can now delete
multiple events in sequence by clicking on them, without having to return
to the menu to select a delete command. You can use all the normal navigation
tools while remaining in the multi-delete mode.
Version 5.0
- Event edit: Duplicate and invert. Inverting an event channel
means that all the times within an event become outwith events, and all the
times outwith events become within them.
- Event edit: Min off/on filter. This allows events that
are close together in a channel to be merged, and/or brief events to be deleted.
- A robust trendline or smoothed line can be applied to a 2-D scatter plot.
- Most graphical displays can be copied as a vector-format metafile as an
alternative to a bitmap copy by control-clicking the Copy button.
- Event edit: Hide/show. Menu access improves the interface
for hiding or showing individual event channels.
- When the mouse hovers over a main view, the status bar shows the file time
at the mouse location, and the voltage value of the axis range within which
the mouse is located.
- File: Extract sub-file. You can extract the data within
events, and write them as separate files, with auto-increment of file names.
- You can pan the screen horizontally by dragging with the mouse.
- When reading CED Signal files, the elapsed time of each frame is stored
as the variable value of the event which marks the start of the frame.
- A wizard has been added which takes you through the stages of spike sorting,
including partial decomposition of overlapped spikes.
- Event edit: Insert: Regular/random point process. Events
can be added at regular or random intervals, with a user-defined distribution.
- You can add an external waveform within events.
- File: New: From clipboard. Numerical clipboard data in
text format, such as that derived from a Copy operation in Excel, can be used
to derive a new data file.
- Event analyse: Draw/Average/Measure. New drawing facilities
include the option to draw an explicitly-defined list of discontinuous events,
or a set of every n events. Event traces can be coloured according to their
place in the draw sequence. New measure options are also available. Alt-clicking
the Copy button copies the values of the display data to the clipboard as
- Event analyse: Integrate. You can integrate data values
within events.
- If you control-click the Autoscale toobar button, then all the axes autoscale,
not just the selected axis.
- Event analyse: Estimate time constant. A scan option has
been added which allows you to scan through a series of contiguous events
and measure the time constants associated with each one.
- You can drag within a vertical axis to change the gain, or within the timebase
axis to change the timebase.
- Event-only CED Spike files can be read. A dummy trace is inserted.
Version 4.7
- Edit: Copy traces as text command added. This copies the data visible
on the screen onto the clipboard in tab-separated text format. Data are read
from the file, so full accuracy is maintained. The purpose of this facility
is to aid exporting data to spreadsheet or graphing programmes.
- Entire files containing multi-sweep data can now be read from CED Signal
files (cfs format). Individual sweeps are concatenated one after another,
with the start of each sweep marked by an event.
Version 4.6
- Improvements in the discrete wavelet transform interface. The duration of
the analysis can now be set from the main display with cursors before accessing
the analysis dialog. The end time of the analysis can be set directly, without
having to scroll through intermediate values.
Version 4.5
- Ability to hide/show individual event channels added. The hide/show command
is accessed through the Event channel properties dialog box, or by
right-clicking an event channel. To show all event channels, click the + sign
in the top right-hand corner of the display area (only visible if some event
channels are hidden).
- CED Spike2 files in which traces are recorded at different sample intervals
can now be shown even if not all the sample intervals are integer multiples
of the shortest sample interval. However, the user has to select a subset
of traces which do meet this criterion, and only these traces are displayed.
This enables these records to be accessed, even if not all traces can be displayed
Version 4.4
- Event labels added. These allow a brief text description of the event channel
to display on the right of the screen just to the left of the event channel
ID letter. Labels are edited in the Event channel properties dialog
box, which is now available through a context menu by right-clicking the event
Version 4.3
- A LOWESS (robust locally-weighted polynomial) smoothing option has
been added to the Transform: Filter: Smooth menu command.
- Robust smoothing and polynomial fitting options have been added to the 2-D
- The Event edit: Merge event channels command now allows you to construct
new events using events in the first source channel to mark the start of the
destination event, and the immediately-following event in the second source
channel to mark the end of the destination event.
- The Event edit: Adjust start/end times command has been enhanced
so that you can now adjust the start or end times of events using a fraction
of the original event duration as the parameter, not just an absolute time
value. This means, for instance, that events can be set to half their original
durations, even when the durations vary from event to event within a channel.
- The Event edit: Make point process command has been enhanced so that
the time of the point process can be set to be at any fractional position
within the source event.
Version 4.2
- Add inverse trigonometric functions to calculator. Also add test calculator
Version 4.1
- The Event edit: Make point process command now has Peak and
Trough options. This means that you can make a point process event
at the time of the peak (maximum) or trough (minimum) data value within the
parent trace of an existing event..
- Peak and trough data values within events can be displayed in the graphs
and histograms, and as numerical parameters on the event trace.
- Display dots selected using the View: Dots not lines command have
variable user-determined sizes.
- The difference in time and data values between vertical cursors can now
be directly displayed using the Analyse: Measure re cursors/times command.
- CED Spike 2 files that contain gaps can now be displayed.
- A step function has been added to the Transform: Trace arithmetic
- Some keyboard shortcuts have been added. Press m to add a marker
to the centre of the screen. Press c to add a vertical cursor to the
centre of the screen.
Version 4.0
- You can set any appropriate value as the end time for the display irrespective
of the start time, or you can explicitly set the time-base to any appropriate
value. Previously the time-base, and hence the display duration, could only
be expanded or contracted by powers-of-2.
- You can play any data trace as a sound. Our ears are often better than our
eyes at detecting subtle changes in frequency and pattern. It's also quite
cool to be able to hear one's data.
- There is a change in the paradigm for partitioning events for spike clustering.
Each event in a channel is given a particular colour, and when all events
are coloured appropriately then each colour group is copied to a separate
event channel. There are automatic and semi-automatic methods for colouring
events based on a variety of clustering methods.
- The discrete wavelet transform has been implemented. This can be used for
1) event clustering in spike sorting,
2) time-frequency analysis,
3) filtering and noise removal.
- A multi-dimensional method for event clustering based on value-at-time has
been implemented.
- The calculation of principal components has been greatly speeded up.
- An expression parser that includes trigonometric and other functions such
as random number generation has been implemented. This can be used for
1) writing user-defined data files to generate a wide variety of waveforms
for testing, experimenting and other purposes,
2) sophisticated trace arithmetic,
3) writing data within events based on user-defined arithmetic expressions.
- The de-buzz facility has been considerably improved. The sample rate no
longer has to be a direct multiple of the interference frequency, so the process
can be used with 60 Hz interference. The de-buzz facility can be used with
episodic data such as evoked potential records. Data sections containing values
that exceed user-defined limits are excluded from the noise detection process,
so large stimulus artefacts do not contaminate the noise average.
- A non-linear curve-fit facility has been implemented allowing parameters
of a wide variety of user-defined arithmetic models to be fit to data.
- Membrane time constants can be estimated by non-linear curve fitting to
either exponential or error function models.
- Spectral analysis has been expanded to include a fully-featured sonogram.
- Episodic data records and tags can be read from Axon (abf) format files.
- Sound files (Microsoft wav format) and Wintrontech format (vet) files can
be read.
- The latency shift has been removed from the digital FIR filter, and the
speed of the bi-directional RC filter has been greatly increased.
- Event definitions can be imported from text files.
- The user can automatically add events at regular time intervals in the file.
This allows the user to add time-base markers, or to analyse data at regular
intervals throughout file.
- All dialog controls now display tooltips when the mouse hovers over them.
- The autocorrelogram histogram allows negative time displays.
- The data display can be written to disk as a metafile.
- Facilities in the Draw/Average event dialog have been enhanced. The user
1) make event times exactly match the display times,
2) make the display exactly match the event times,
3) set the duration of the display explicitly rather than setting the relative
end time,
4) highlight individual events in the sequence so that they can be easily
5) align the initial data values of each event in the display so that relative
amplitude changes can be easily visualised.
- Toolbar gain and position controls now only affect selected axes, and axis
selection has been simplified.
- A mouse magnify toolbar button has been added to control the vertical gain
and position of selected axes.
- A Navigate: End toolbar button and menu command has been added which sets
the display to show the last part of the file.
- Event ID numbers can be used as parameter values in scatter graphs.
- A scale bar has been added to the HPGL output.
- A Step/Linear option has been added to the facility that plots an event
analysis parameter as a data trace.
- The rectification data transform allows selection of full-wave or half-wave
- The file concatenate command has been replaced by a file append command
with slightly different functionality. This removes inconsistent behaviour
due to the operating system re-ordering files in the file selection dialog
- The Manipulate command has been removed from the Transform menu, and replaced
by individual commands to achieve the same functionality in a more user-friendly
- Many minor interface changes enhance usability and consistency.
Version 3.7
- An Events: Tags: Scan edit tags facility has been added. This allows
the user to rapidly scan through events in all channels, and add, delete or
edit the tags and text labels associated with the events, without having to
click on individual events. The data can be viewed in the main display while
editing tags. Tag labels can now be included in the Events: List/save event
parameters menu command. The intention is to allow the user to include
time-related text descriptions into exports to programs such as Excel.
Version 3.6a
- An Events: 3-D scatter graph facility has been added, which allows
rotatable visualisation of event parameters in
3-D space. It is intended mainly as an aid to partitioning events ("cluster
cutting") and spike sorting using event parameters such as principal
components. It integrates seamlessly with the automatic clustering program
KlustaWin (v3.1),
which is available for free download.
NOTE: the 3-D display uses the OpenGL graphics library.
- The Event parameter scatter graph and Draw/average events dialog
boxes are both resizeable, and if the dialog is reduced in size, the bitmap
Copy button may become hidden. The button has now been given a keyboard
shortcut so that it can be activated even if it is hidden.
- The Event: Save event waveforms command can now optionally save data
in a row/column format suitable for importing into a spreadsheet or similar
- After principal components have been calculated, they are stored with a
saved file, unless explicitly cleared from memory with the Events: Principal
component analysis: Clear command.
Version 3.5a
- An Events: Interval predictor command has been added. This is used
to investigate whether the phase or latency of a cyclic oscillatory activity
has been reset as a result of an experimental perturbation.
- When adding multiple events using the mouse, the user can change the channel
to which the events are added simply by pressing the appropriate ID key (a
- z) on the keyboard.
- Event lines maintain their screen locations relative to the data traces,
rather than their absolute screen locations. This means that event lines can
be placed in convenient positions relative to the data, and they will maintain
these positions even when the screen is resized. The relative screen locations
are stored with the data files.
- Auto- and cross-correlogram options have been added to the Event Histogram
- Histogram data values are shown by hovering the mouse over the appropriate
location in the display.
Version 3.4a
- The results display in the Advanced cursor measurement dialog box
has been made more "spreadsheet friendly" for copy-and-paste operations.
Measurement data can all be displayed on one row, and column headers are only
written when the measurement options change.
- An Events: Import partition file command has been added. Event partition
files provide a means of partitioning multiple non-contiguous groups of events
from one event channel, so that each group is copied into a separate event
channel. This is useful if an event channel contains events representing several
different types of waveforms. This typically arises when a template is used
to detect extracellular spikes, and the acceptance criterion is set fairly
broadly. Principle component analysis may reveal several different clusters,
where each cluster represents the waveform generated by a particular axon.
Event partition files can be constructed using external programs such as KlustaWin,
which is available for free.
- The Copy to command in the Events scatter graph now allows events
to be copied to event channels that already contain events, without deleting
the pre-existing events in that channel. This means that single events or
groups of events can be moved from one channel to another.
- An Events: Merge event channels command has been added. This allows
two event channels to be merged and the results stored either in a third event
channel, or in one of the two original source channels.
Version 3.3a
- When event waveforms are displayed using the Event: Draw/Average command,
left-clicking on the display centres the event whose waveform is closest to
the point clicked.
- The Draw/Average events dialog box is now non-modal. This means that
you can keep it displayed on the screen while carrying out other operations
on the main display (such as changing gain, or deleting events).
- The File: New from average comand makes a new file by averaging traces
from several files.
- When using commands on the Transform menu, the user is offered the
option to write the transformed data to a new file (the default), or to overwrite
the present file. The latter option is only enabled for flt files,
so original data acquisition files cannot be overwritten.
- Axes can now be explicitly labeled using the Traces: Format command.
- When detecting events using the Event: Threshold recognition command,
the user can choose the limit logic such that the waveform either must
or must not cross the limit threshold. This can be used to remove
large waveform excursions such as artefacts from the waveform.
- A Navigate: Show all command has been implemented that will automatically
compress the display enough to show the full data record.
- A Zoom button has been added to the Event Scattergraph. This
operates when a region has been selected on the screen using the Make button.
It sets the display axes so as to zoom in on the selected region.
- The channel arithmetic option now includes an equation editor allowing the
user to define arbitrary mathematical expressions involving any channel value,
the current time value within the file, and a wide variety of arithmetic operators
and functions.
- The programme can now read raw binary files (short signed integer, long
signed integer, float, double float) such as can be produced by programmes
like National Instruments LabView.
Print related changes
- Two top margins can be set in the File: Print page setup command.
This enables users to print to the top or bottom of a page using the File:
Print lower page toggle command, thus printing two files on one page,
and saving paper! Margin settings are saved in the Registry, and reload automatically
when the program starts.
- Printouts now show everything that is shown on the normal screen display
(including cursors, annotations etc).
- The user can choose to print or preview several files superimposed on the
page. This helps to compare data in several files by overlaying traces, similar
to multiple sweeps of an analog storage oscilloscope. Obviously, care has
to be taken to avoid conflicts in trace layout between the different files.
The File: Print superimposed: Make list command is used to make a list
of the files to superimpose. This list is cleared when the files are printed,
or by selecting the File: Print superimposed: Clear list command.
- The file pathname now appears on the printout.
Event tag related changes
- When using the Events: Save event waveforms command, the user can
choose to save all events, all tagged events, or all events that are not tagged.
- When deleting events the user can choose to delete all events, or only tagged
or non-tagged events.
- If user makes a selection in the event scattergraph that contains hidden
(e.g. tagged) events, and then does something such as delete, the program
offers the option to delete all events within selection bounds, or only visible
events within the selection bounds.
- When using the Events: Make analysis into data command, the user
can choose to include all events, or only tagged or non-tagged events. This
is to remove outliers from the data display.
Version 3.2a
- The Events: Principal component analysis command calculates the first
three principal components of data during times defined by events. This is
mainly for use in clustering events to help refine template and threshold-based
event definition.
- Added Centre and Measure option to On click selection on event scattergraphs.
- Added a Copy to button to event scattergraphs. This copies selected
events to a new event channel.It allows clusters of events to be held in separate
channels, without editing the original event recognition channel.
- The Events: Set parent trace command allows a user-selected data
trace to be associated with a particular event channel.
Version 3.1a
- The File: Save (hdr) command causes DataView-specific elements such
as events, annotations etc to be saved in a header file with the same name
as the original data acquisition file (from Axon, CED etc), and with the file
extension "dtv". When the data acquisition file is next read, the
header file is also read (if the default File: Load header if available
option is selected) and the DataView specific elements are displayed. The
original data files are not modified by this procedure, thus ensuring data
integrity. This means that if you perform event analysis, or make other changes
that do not affect the data themselves, then the data from these original
acquisition file systems do not have to be re-written in the DataView binary
"flt" format in order to store the DataView-specific elements. This
usually saves disk space, because most original acquisition systems store
data in integer format, while DataView stores them in float format in order
to give maximum flexibility between different file systems. If you do make
changes to the data in an original acquisition file (using commands from the
Transform menu), then you will always be prompted to save the data
into a new file in the native DataView format.
- Event-related data measurements are implemented. A dragable cursor is available
in the Event: Draw/Average dialog which measures times relative to
event onset. A new measurement facility is available (either from within this
dialog or from the Events: Measure data stats command) which measures
the statistical properties of data values at times relative to event onset
- The Events: Adjust start/end times command allows the start and end
times of all events within a channel to be offset by user-determined amounts.
This allows event times to be expanded to include all features of a waveform
event, when the detection criterion only detects a particular feature within
the waveform (e.g. a peak).
- The Events: Set data value command now allows data to be set to the
average value within an event, or to a value set by linear interpolation between
the start and end of the event.
- In the Event parameter scattergraph dialog events selected by drawing
around them can now be tagged. The scattergraph display can be set to show
all events, all tagged events, or all not-tagged events. This can be used
to "clean up" the graph by hiding outlier events, without removing
them from the database. Similarly, the Events: List/save event parameters
command can now be set to list all events, tagged events, or not-tagged
- The Event parameter scattergraph shows a continual update of the
X and Y values (in event parameter display units) of the current cursor location
as the cursor moves across the graph display area, thus enabling rapid measurements
of event parameters..
- In the Event parameter scattergraph you can select whether clicking a data
point with the mouse causes the main display to centre that point, or whether
it causes the X and Y data values to be written to a separate Event measure
dialog. Measurements in this dialog can be copied to the clipboard. This
facilitates making multiple measurements by obviating the need to write down
the X and Y values which are displayed within the scattergraph dialog itself.
- A bug in the File: Save as command has been corrected. Cursor voltage
measurements are now given to 4 decimal places.
Version 2.9a
- The File: Open command allows multiple file selection. All recognised
file types are displayed by default.
- Averaged event waveforms can be written as a new data file.
- A new Transform: Combine multi-file traces command allows selected
traces in different files to be combined as separate traces in a single file.
- A new Transform: Align trace baselines command offsets the data values
of selected traces so that selected portions of each trace have the same average
values as that of a designated master trace. In other words, baseline voltages
can be aligned.
- A new Cursors: Add horz relative command allows a horizontal cursor
to be placed at a voltage determined by the statistical properties of a selected
region of the data channel. This is to allow objective placement of cursors
(e.g. at the average waveform value plus 5 times the s.d. of the noise) for
threshold-based event detection.
- A new Events: Duplicate channel command allows manual changes to
an event channel to be made without altering the original.
- Data from the EGAA ECR system recorded in "burst mode" is now
displayed with the start of each burst marked by an event.
- The File: Save and Save as commands have been substantially
speeded up, and some bugs in these routines have been fixed.
Version 2.8a
To update to this or later version from previous versions, you must download
the full demonstration program, rather than using the upgrade.exe file.
- Dataview can now read CED files in smr format saved from the Spike
2 program, without having to convert them to cfs format.
- Event detection by template pattern recognition now has an adaptive option.
This means that the template updates as events are found. This is for use
in situations where the waveform of interest gradually changes during the
- The output of event analysis (instantaneous frequency, latency, phase etc)
can now be written as a data trace, and thus displayed on the same timebase
as the raw data files, as plots against time of occurrence.
- Users are now warned when they attempt to close a file that has been modified
without saving it.
- There are improvements in the useability of the scattergraph GoTo facility.
- Bug fixes in: the display of metafiles, printing, and HPGL plot with non-standard
trace-axis layout, the display of large CED cfs files, a resource leak in
the main display routine.
Version 2.7a
- When the Events: Save event waveforms command is used to save numerical
data within events to a file, you can now choose to include data within a
set time before the event starts (like pre-event triggering), and also data
within a set time after the event terminates.
- The resolution of data saved using the above command has been increased
(i.e. data are printed to more decimal places).
- A Mouse magnify command has been added to the Navigate menu.
This allows the mouse to be used to define a timebase expansion region on
the screen.
Version 2.6a
Event-related changes:
- Event channel IDs have been changed from 0-9 to a-z, so as
to avoid confusion with trace (channel) IDs.
- Added the Events: Channel properties command, which shows all the
properties of a
particular event channel.
- Event channels are now displayed in a selected colour which is set in the
Properties dialog.
- Event channels can now have an associated text description, which is edited
in the Properties dialog or in any of the dialogs that control event detection.
- Event channels keep track of the primary origin of the events they contain
(manual, fixed template, scaled template, threshold, or Poisson surprise),
and display this origin in the Properties dialog.
- Event channels keep track of whether changes have been made to them by manual
editing, and again display this in the Properties dialog.
- Events can be tagged using the Events: Tags menu command, or from
the context menu. Tagged events display in a selected colour, and have an
associated text label. (Events selected by GoTo from the Event scattergraph
are now highlighted by being drawn with thick lines, rather than different
- The waveforms of tagged events draw in the selected colour when displayed
using the Events: Draw menu command.
- Tagged events draw in the selected colour in scattergraphs displayed with
the Events: Scatter graph/edit events menu command.
- When events are detected using the Fixed template option of the Events:
Template recognition menu command, the event associated with the waveform
that defined the inital template is automatically tagged.
- When events are detected by template, threshold or Poisson surprise the
associated recognition parameters are stored within the event channel. The
parameters can be retrieved from the Recognition dialog with the Retrieve
button. This means that the data can be re-analysed using the original
parameters after manual editing has modified the event channel.
- Navigation commands have been added to display the next or previous event,
tagged event, marker or text annotation. Keyboard shortcuts can access these
commands (ctrl/alt e, t, m, a respectively,
where ctrl commands next, alt commands previous).
Other changes:
- Added Integrate and Slope methods to advanced cursor measurements.
These integrate the data values between two cursors, or determine the slope
between data values defined by two cursors. Available from the Cursor:
Advanced measure menu command.
- Added option to couple cursors together, so that when one cursor is moved,
all other cursors move the same relative distance. This is to aid actions
such as adding events of fixed duration using cursors. Available from the
Cursors: Couple cursors menu command.
- Added option to expand/contract timebase from screen center or left-hand
side (as previously). This option is stored in the registry, so will be remembered
between program sessions. Available from the Navigation: Compress/Expand
focus menu command.
- Added a context menu available by right-clicking the screen. The options
on the menu depend on where clicked.
- The Disk icon toolbar button now activates the File: Save command
rather than the File: Save As command.
- Changed registration method.
- Corrected bug in Event: Draw menu command that occurred with non-standard
axis/trace layout.
Version 2.5a
- Added ability to put sound tracks in a Flash movie.
- Added ability to write WAV audio files from data, accessed by the
File: Make audio file menu command..
Version 2.4b
- Fixed a bug in the Transform: Increase Frequency menu command when
used with multi-channel data..
Version 2.4a
- Added the File: Make Macromedia Flash animation menu command. This
produces SWF format files suitable for display
in web browsers.
Version 2.3b
- Removed DataTranslation DLLs for spectral analysis, which crashed WinNT,
coded new version.
- Added Rectangular, Bartlett or Hamming Window options to the Spectral
analysis dialog accessed by the Analyse: Power spectrum (FFT) menu
command. Windowing reduces the "edge effect" caused by the fact
that the data do not contain an infinite number of samples.
Version 2.2d
- Added Optimal scaling template option to the dialog accessed by the
Events: Template recognition menu command. This means that waveforms
that resemble the template in shape, but not in size, are recognized
as matches.
- Added Save goodness-of-fit signal as trace option to template recognition.
The point-by-point fit metric for the scaled or fixed template search can
be displayed as a data trace. This means that events that almost but not quite
reach the acceptance criterion for template matching can easily by identified,
and if necessary the match criterion can be adjusted.
- Added Traces: Trace annotation menu command. Trace annotations are
text labels that are displayed at particular times (like markers),
and are associated with particular data values of particular traces (unlike
markers). This means that these annotations can move vertically on the screen
if the data are moved vertically or scaled.