
PH 2011 Physics 2A - Maths Revision Course

Session 1 - Reminder of Basics

Indices, Logs, Prefixes, Significant Figures, Solving Equations, Trigonometry, and associated workshop questions. These mathematical concepts should be well known to you, but as they are essential for so many aspects of physics and astronomy, we wish to increase your familiarity with them all. We also cover the topic of "Dimensional Analysis", which is a powerful tool that may be less familiar to some of you. Dimensional Analysis is covered briefly in Halliday, Resnick, and Walker (9th International student edition, (section 16.6), applied to the wave speed on a stretched string). Also, the University of Guelph, Canada, has a useful set of pages on Dimensional Analysis.

The following are from MathCentre on trigonometry, and are used in this workshop with permission. Trigonometric functions appear in many places in physics and astronomy, and it is important that they are at the front of your mind.