Tutorial Contents

Matrix view

Timebase and Gain

"Interesting" traces


Matrix view

If a data file contains a largeWhat constitutes 'large' depends on your screen resolution, but is probably any value greater than about 10. number of traces, it is difficult to display them all on separate axes in the standard Chart view because the vertical axes become so compressed that each trace looks more-or-less like a flat line. Furthermore, the scale values on the axes cannot be read because the edit boxes overlap. The Matrix view shows the traces as a series of "thumbnail" tiles arranged in a grid. This can give a clearer view of the individual traces, while keeping them on separate axes.

The matrix view
The matrix view showing a 28-trace recording.

The matrix view now displays. If you immediately Close the matrix view, and then select View: Matrix view: Show to re-display the view without configuring it first, the view retains the settings of the previous configuration. However, if you want this configuration to persist after closing the file, you must save the file itself after matrix view configuration. If you edit the cell display within the Matrix view, then you must click Store within the view to retain the edited settings.

Timebase and Gain

The timebase of cells in the matrix view is linked to the main view.

The trace gain of matrix cells is linked to the axis gain in the main view, but the latter cannot easily be selected or edited due to the vertical compression.

"Interesting" traces

It is apparent that some traces are mainly noise (e.g. traces 2, 3, 4 etc.) while some traces contain an obvious signal (e.g. traces 20, 21, 22 etc.). This was by no means clear in the standard chart view.

The main Chart view now only shows traces which contain a clear signal. The view is now more suitable for further analysis.


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