Last update: 16-02-2019

THEMES: (2017 - 2020)
THE Mystery of the Expanding TropicS: from Past to Future:
Valerie Daux and Ricardo Villalba: PI

Its goal? Better understanding the interaction between climate warming and the Hadley cell (a large-scale atmospheric movement that redistributes heat from the equator to the tropics), which is expanding the subtropical dry zones in the Southern hemisphere


N-TREND: (2016 - present)
Northern Hemisphere Tree-Ring Network Development:
Rob Wilson: PI

N-TREND is a tree-ring community driven initiative to bring together dendroclimatologists to identify a collective strategy to improve large-scale reconstructions of summer temperatures from new and existing tree-ring archives. More information about the consortium can be found here.


SCOT2K: (2013-2016)
Reconstructing 2000 years of Scottish climate from tree-rings
Rob Wilson: PI

Part of the Scottish Pine Project, this research aims to reconstruct past summer tempertaures for the last 2000 years and expands on the PhD project of Milos Rydval. Funded by NERC.


RELiC: (2010-2013)
Reconstructing 8000 years of Environmental and Landscape change in the Cairngorms
Rob Wilson: PI

Part of the Scottish Pine Project, this project focuses on the study of environmental change in the Scottish Highlands over the last 8000 years using a multi-proxy approach (tree-rings, pollen and limnological geochemical analyses). Funded by the Leverhulme Trust.


Scottish Pine Project (2006-present)
Rob Wilson: PI

This project is also multifaceted, aiming to reconstruct past summer temperatures in the Scottish Highlands from tree-rings for the last 8000 years. As a research group, we are also interested in long term changes in woodland dynamics and the interaction of man and the forested Scottish environment. The RELiC project above is related to the SPP.


Millennium Project (2006-2010)
Rob Wilson: Co-I

The Millennium project is a multidisciplinary consortium of more than 38 partners from 16 European countries bringing together historians, chemists, physicists, biologists, geographers, climate modellers and geologists in a multi-disciplinary effort to reconstruct the climate of Europe over the last 1000 years using historical documents ranging from ships logs, church annals and harvest records, and natural archives such as tree rings, insect and plant remains from lakes and peat bogs, ice cores and sea shells. Reconstructing the climate of the past is important because it will allow us to say whether the warming seen in recent years is really unusual.


SOAP: (2002-2006)
Simulations, Observations & Palæoclimatic data: climate variability over the last 500 years

Rob Wilson: PDRA

SO&P was a research project funded by the European Union and led by Tim Osborn and Keith Briffa at UEA's Climatic Research Unit. The project aimed to simulate the climate of the last 500 years, develop improved reconstructions of the real climate over this period, and compare the two to provide an important test of the climate models and provide improved estimates of natural climate variability.