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Scientific program of theNinth Annual Meeting of the St. Andrews
Centre of Magnetic Resonance
Sponsored by
Monday 17 June 2019, School of Chemistry, St Andrews
9:00 Welcome
9:10 Charlotte Martineau-Corcos (Universilty of Versailles, France): Host-guest interactions in phosphorus-containing microporous solids: a solid-state NMR point of view
9:50 Euan Kay: Simple NMR experiments for studying multicomponent nanoparticles
10:20 Maria Oranges: Multi-frequency orientation selective copper(II)-nitroxide RIDME in model systems and proteins
10:50 Coffee
11:20 David Norman: An exploration of the structure of a ubiquitin ligase using EPR and crosslinking
11:50 Ilia Kuprov (University of Southampton): Simulating the whole of Magnetic Resonance
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Martin Kaupp (Technical University Berlin, Germany): Progress in the computation of magnetic resonance parameters
14:10 Suzi PughA solid-state NMR study of quadrupolar nuclei in zeolites
14:40 Dusan Uhrin (University of Edinburgh): Removing signal overlap and spin-spin couplings from NMR spectra
15:10 Coffee
15:40 Christopher Wedge (University of Huddersfield): Optically generated DNP for solution-state NMR spectroscopy
16:10 Daniel Dawson: Introducing Dynamics to NMR Crystallography of Zeolitic Frameworks
16:40 Thomas Prisner (University Frankfurt/Main, Germany): Conformational dynamics of DNA and RNA deciphered by EPR
17:20 Poster session and wine reception (Common Room)
List of Posters
University of St Andrews/
Schools of Biology/
Centre for Biomolecular Science