Former Seminars


1) 600 MHz triple channel (HXY) wide-bore solid-state NMR spectrometer (with wide-bore magnet), equipped with eight (1.3-, 1.9-, 2.5-, 3.2- and 4-mm) MAS probeheads and one static probehead (Chemistry).

2) 400 MHz four channel (HFXY) wide-bore solid-state NMR spectrometer (with wide-bore magnet), equipped with three (3.2-, 1.9-, 4- and 7-mm) MAS probeheads (Chemistry).

Both spectrometers have variable temperature capability, from 0 to 120C under MAS and a wider range for static samples.

3) 300 MHz dual channel solution-state NMR spectrometer, equipped with BBFO 5-mm probehead, automatic tune/match and 60 slot sample changer (Chemistry).

4) 400 MHz dual channel solution-state NMR spectrometer, equipped with BBFO 5-mm probehead, automatic tune/match and 60 slot sample changer (Chemistry).

5) 400 MHz dual channel solution-state NMR spectrometer, equipped with BBFO 5-mm probehead, automatic tune/match and 120 slot sample changer (Chemistry).

6) 500 MHz triple channel solution-state NMR spectrometer, equipped with QNP 5-mm, SEF 5-mm, and TXI 5-mm probeheads and 60 slot sample changer (Chemistry/BSRC).

7) 500 MHz triple channel solution-state NMR spectrometer, equipped with BBO 5- and 10-mm and TXI 5-mm probeheads (Chemistry).

8) 200MHz solution state NMR spectrometer.

9) 700 MHz 54mm bore equipped with TCI Prodigy inverse triple resonance cryoprobe and 24-position SampleCase sample changer (BSRC).



1) cw 94/188/280 GHz home-built EPR spectrometer, temperature range = 3.8K - 350K (Physics).

2) pulsed/cw X/Q-band EPR spectrometer from Bruker with PELDOR/ENDOR extension, temperature range = 3.8K - 350K (Physics).

3) pulsed/cw home-built small dead-time W-band EPR spectrometer with PELDOR/ENDOR extension, temperature range = 3.8K - 350K (Physics).

4) Bruker EMX cw X-band EPR spectrometer, temperature range = 3.8K - 350K (Chemistry) (Chemistry).

5) Bruker E580 pulsed/cw X-band EPR spectrometer with PELDOR option, temperature range = 3.8K - 300K (Chemistry).

6) AffirmoEX portable benchtop CW X-band spectrometer (Physics).


Computational Magnetic Resonance

1) The members of the Centre have access to a local Computing Facility consisting of 15,000 CPU-cores and 15 PB of disk space, linked through a fast InfiniPath network (see here for more details).



Access to the large scale instruments at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland) and Rutherford Appleton Research Laboratory (UK).

University of St Andrews/ Schools of Biology/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Centre for Biomolecular Science
Last modified 14 Jan 2025 /mb