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Scientific program of theEighth Annual Meeting of the St. Andrews
Centre of Magnetic Resonance
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Monday 11 June 2018, School of Chemistry, St Andrews
9:00 Welcome
9:10 Frederic Blanc (Liverpool): High Throughput Structure Determination of Supramolecular
Assemblies by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization enhanced NMR
9:50 Alan Stewart: Circulatory zinc dynamics: its role in coagulation control
10:20 Charalampos Kapsalis: Identifying the conformational change of a mechanosensitive ion channel using PELDOR spectroscopy
10:50 Coffee
11:20 John Parkinson (University of Strathclyde): Of Insects, Reptiles and Arachnids: NMR spectroscopy in the landscape of whole venom chemistry
11:50 Graham Smith: Three Grand Challenges in EPR
12:20 Ian Marshall (University of Edinburgh): Clinical Magnetic Resonance
12:50 Lunch
13:50 Joseph McDouall (University of Manchester): Quantum Chemical Studies of Paramagnetic NMR Shifts in f-Element Compounds
14:30 Arantxa Fernandes: Investigating local structure and disorder in ceramic oxides by NMR crystallography
15:00 Anokhi Shah: Using gadolinium spin labels to aid in understanding protein structure and function
15:30 Coffee
16:00 Nicholas Westwood: Saved by the NMR expert: where collaboration has led to new science
16:30 Eric McInnes (University of Manchester): EPR as a tool in actinide chemistry
17:10 Poster session and wine reception (Common Room)
List of Posters
University of St Andrews/
Schools of Biology/
Centre for Biomolecular Science