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Scientific program of theFourth Annual Meeting of the St. Andrews
Centre of Magnetic Resonance
List of posters
Monday 2 June 2014, School of Chemistry, St Andrews, Lecture Theatre C, 9 am
9:00 Welcome
9:10 Sabine van Doorslaer (Antwerp): Globin proteins - a surprising playground for EPR spectroscopy
9:50 Janet Lovett: Current Progress and Plans for using Dipolar Spectroscopy to Investigate Biological Structure
10:20 Fanny Tran: Use of NMR to characterise and analyse lignins
10:50 Coffee
11:20 Silvia Valera: PELDOR and multi-spin systems: on the way to true distance distributions
11:50 Michael Bühl: Computational NMR spectroscopy of fluorinated hydrocarbons
12:20 Christian Ochsenfeld (Munich): Quantum-chemical calculation of NMR spectra for large molecules
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Scott Sneddon: Calculating NMR parameters in aluminophosphates
14:30 David Keeble: Electrically detected magnetic resonance: methods, and application to solar cell materials
15:00 Russell Morris: Solid-state NMR of MOFs and Zeolites
15:30 Coffee
16:00 Graham Smith Orientational Peldor
16:30 Melinda Duer (Cambridge): Heavy mice and lighter things: using NMR to elucidate molecular structure in tissues
17:10 Poster session and wine reception (Common Room)
University of St Andrews/
Schools of Biology/
Centre for Biomolecular Science