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Scientific program of theThird Annual Meeting of the St. Andrews
Centre of Magnetic Resonance
List of posters
Monday 10 June 2013, School of Chemistry, St Andrews, Lecture Theatre C, 9 am
9:00 Welcome
9:10 Mark Newton: Spin Physics with colour centres in diamond
9:50 Steve Wimperis: Some new developments in solid-state NMR
10:20 David O'Hagan: Some fluorinated rings and things
10:50 Coffee
11:20 Chris Pickard: Computational high throughput NMR
12:00 Sharon Ashbrook: Disorder in high-pressure silicates: Multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and first-principles calculations
12:30 Michael Bühl: Weak Te,Te bonding through the looking glass of NMR spin-spin coupling
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Dave Norman: Characterisation and use of the Rx bifunctional spin label in orientational measurements by pulsed EPR
14:30 Katrin Ackermann: Structural studies of streptococcal M protein - What can we learn from NMR and EPR?
15:00 Hassane El Mkami: EPR and magnetic studies of a novel copper Metal Organic Framework (STAM-I)
15:30 Coffee
16:00 Jim Naismith : Using PELDOR to look at conformational states of membrane proteins.
16:30 Burkhard Luy: Residual Dipolar Couplings and Optimal Control Theory: New Developments in Modern NMR Spectroscopy
17:10 Poster session and wine reception (Common Room)
List of posters
University of St Andrews/
Schools of Biology/
Centre for Biomolecular Science