Teaching Dossier
1. Teaching Philosophy
I am very enthusiastic about teaching and have enjoyed the teaching that I have undertaken so far. Throughout my degrees and career, I gained valuable experience as a research and teaching fellow, by training and mentoring new graduate students, by filling in for a professor for a lecture, and by giving professional development workshops.
During lectures, I encourage the students to ask questions but I rarely give a straight yes or no answer. Instead, I like to explain the reasoning leading to the answer, which helps the students link together the different topics that are taught. This also helps them to think rationally, which is, in my opinion, one of the best tools anyone can have as a scientist.
I like my teaching to integrate concrete real life examples, especially during laboratories, when possible. It helps the students understand why they are learning what they are, making the course more fun and relevant to them. After the lectures, my door is open for students that have questions or comments about the lectures. Like my personal research, I thrive on finding new, more efficient and innovative ways to do things when teaching. This is why I enrolled in a Teaching Skills Enhancement Program at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, which helps educators learn pedagogical knowledge and teaching techniques.
2. Teaching Strategies
I believe a great course, no matter what the topic, is well organized and based on a sound structure. This structure should be reflected in the syllabus and should be well discussed with the students during the first day of class. I see the first day of class as a chance to get to know the students, give the students a chance to know me, and to make sure that everyone is on the same page and knows what is expected of them during the course. I also like to get the students involved in deciding some elements of the course when possible.
During the lectures, I use a combination of techniques, including powerpoint presentations, writing and drawing on the blackboard, video, and brainstorming sessions with the students. Before I start a new topic, I like to ask the students if they know anything about the upcoming topic and if they have ideas of the theoretical or practical application of what we will discuss next. That way, I have the students interacting and thinking about the upcoming lecture before it starts so they have an idea of the direction we will go.
When possible, I like to complement my teaching with day fieldtrips to interesting locations related to the course content. I view this component as critical for the formation of a geologist as geology is a hands-on science.
During the laboratories, I like to incorporate as many concrete real life examples as possible as it gives additional purpose to the laboratory. This can be achieved by adding context to the analysis of geological samples (hand samples and thin sections). I also like to divide the laboratories into two components, where the first component is done individually and then followed by a group component so students have the occasion to think about the laboratory by themselves and then share their thoughts. At the end of the individual component, the students would be asked to hand in a copy of their work. If the group phase is done from the beginning, some students are only going along for the ride and do not think about the content at a deeper level.
3. Student Assessment
When it comes to assessments, there are several ways to assess the students (e.g., written, oral, practical, online). I support a mixed approach wherein I assess the students using several methods. The bulk of the grades are awarded from the traditional written assessments (mid-term and final exams). These would be complemented by online monthly quizzes and by oral assessments (presentations and oral exams), as I believe during your career as a scientist most of your assessment will be done orally (i.e., job interviews, office meetings with coworkers or with your supervisor, discussion with communities).
4. Teaching goals
One of my short-term teaching goals is the development of my teaching abilities through teaching innovation. In the longer term, I would like to continue to improve as a teacher and to assist and mentor the students in order to inspire them and help them realize their potential.
5. Feedback on Teaching
Informal and formal feedback about my teaching has been positive. The students and professionals say that I am very organized and structured, and that I deliver the content in a clear and concise way. The students enjoy the level of interaction I have with them and say it forces them to think about the content of the course.
6. New Program/Courses Developed
- 1. Taught MSc in Mineral Resources (2017)
- The MSc in Mineral Resources is the only one of its kind in the UK and aims to prepare students for a career in the minerals industry or to pursue PhD research. The curriculum was designed in collaboration with highly regarded professional geologists from the mineral industry and is based on the “mineral system” approach. Teaching components include field mapping, ore deposit models, mineral exploration and 3D modelling, and involves training in methodologies and technologies at the forefront of mineral exploration, such as hyperspectral reflectance and portable X-Ray fluorescence. My role for the development of the degree was to create a new curriculum, create and maintain a budget, advertise and be the co-ordinator and admissions officer for the program.
- 2. ES5300 – Magmatic-related ore deposits (2017)
- This module is a MSc level course that is core to the MSc in Mineral Resources degree at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. Fourth year undergraduate students from the BSc in Geology and taught MSc degrees can enrol in this course.
- Module description: The module focuses on the geodynamic setting, age, geometry, and mineralogy of the principal metallic mineral deposits related to magmatic processes. The different deposit types are studied using a holistic (geology, structural, geochemistry, and geophysics) mineral system approach. Current genetic models of ore deposits related to magmatic processes are reviewed with an emphasis on the geological processes required to create them. Finally, a roadmap to mineral exploration for each type of ore deposit is discussed.
- 3. ES5301 – Mineral Exploration (2017) This module is a MSc level course that is core to the MSc in Mineral Resources degree at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. MGeol students can enrol in this course.
- Module description: The purpose of this module is to learn basic concepts of mineral exploration that are used by the mineral exploration industry. The module is divided into three sections each focusing on different aspect of mineral exploration. Section 1 focuses on geochemical methods, section 2 on hyperspectral methods, and section 3 on geophysical methods. Each section discusses the theoretical background necessary to understand the different methods and introduces the different available analytical techniques, and highlights effective data acquisition. Finally, interpretation and application of datasets related to each method is conducted as practical exercises.
- 4. ES5302– Hydrothermal Ore Deposits (2018)
- This module is a MSc level course that is core to the MSc in Mineral Resources degree at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. Fourth year undergraduate students from the BSc in Geology and taught MSc degrees can enrol in this course.
- Module description: The module focuses on the geodynamic setting, age, geometry, and mineralogy of the principal metallic mineral deposits related to hydrothermal processes. The different deposit types are studied using a holistic (geology, structural, geochemistry, and geophysics) mineral system approach. Current genetic models of ore deposits related to hydrothermal processes are reviewed with an emphasis on the geological processes required to create them. Finally, a roadmap to mineral exploration for each type of ore deposit taught is discussed. Deposit type discussed in the module includes orogenic gold, VMS, SEDEX, Mississippi Valley-type, unconformity-related uranium deposits, and sedimentary-hosted stratiform copper deposits. Laboratory exercises involve geological problem solving using a mineral exploration industry focus involving the examination of geological maps and representative suites of samples (thin sections and hand samples) from different types of metallic mineral deposits. This module includes a 5-day field trip to the Rio Tinto VMS deposit.
- 5. ES5303 – Applied Geological Mapping (2017)
- This module is a MSc level course that is core to the MSc in Mineral Resources degree at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. MGeol students can enrol in this course.
- Module description: This module aims to train students in applied geological field skills. The module focuses on creating and interpreting surface and underground maps, and drill core logs. Module assessment is based on the quality of field notebooks, maps, logs, and group participation.
- 6. ES5304 – 3D Geological Modelling (2018)
- This module is a MSc level course that is core to the MSc in Mineral Resources degree at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. MGeol students can enrol in this course.
- Module description: This module aims to familiarise students with three-dimensional geological modelling using the industry-standard pieces of software. The module emphasises the creation, validation and interpretation of geological and structural models, as well as their use in mineral exploration and mineral resource estimation. Module assessment is based on the quality of three-dimensional models created and group participation.
- 7. ES5006– Metallogeny (2016)
- Metallogeny is a MSc level course that is part of the MSc in geochemistry degree at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. Fourth year undergraduate students from the BSc in Geology degree can also enrol in this course.
- Module description: The module focuses on the geodynamic setting, age, geometry and mineralogy of the principal metallic mineral deposits using a holistic approach (structural geology, geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, sedimentology, igneous geology, metamorphic geology, and geophysics). Current genetic models of ore deposits are reviewed with an emphasis on the geological processes required to create them. Finally, a roadmap to mineral exploration for each type of ore deposit is discussed. Laboratory exercises involve geological problem solving using a mineral exploration industry focus involving the examination of geological maps and representative suites of samples (thin sections, hand samples, and outcrops) from different types of metallic mineral deposits. A single day field excursion will be to the gold mine at Cononish or the lead mine at Wanlockhead to cover the geological context of the ore bodies and aspects of their exploration and production.
7. Professional Development in Teaching
- Teaching Practice Forum – 02/2017
- A biannual forum to discuss new developments in teaching practice. The forum was entitled “Writing Creatively: Peer review critiques in promoting innovative essays and critical reading skills” and explored the pedagogy of writing through the practice of peer review critiques in tutorials. The forum further explored writing as a praxis which promotes greater solidarity and collegiality among student peers, as well as improves critical reading and processing skills, enhancing the overall quality of the tutorial encounter.
- Effective Lecturing – 02/2017
- One day workshop delivered by Teaching Excellence Award winners academic staff. This interactive workshop provides an excellent introduction to lecturing and some key tips and techniques which can be used to lecture effectively.
- Teaching Skills Enhancement Program (TSEP) – 09/2014-04/2015
- The TSEP is a two semester long program that enhances the knowledge of teaching and learning. The program is intended to help early career educators learn pedagogical knowledge and basic teaching techniques that they can apply in the classroom. In addition, each participant follow and is mentored by a faculty professor for a semester.