ES5300 – Magmatic-related Ore Deposits

Module Description
The module focuses on the geodynamic setting, age, geometry, and mineralogy of the principal metallic mineral deposits related to magmatic processes. The different deposit types are studied using a holistic (geology, structural, geochemistry, and geophysics) mineral system approach. Current genetic models of ore deposits related to magmatic processes are reviewed with an emphasis on the geological processes required to create them. Finally, a roadmap to mineral exploration for each type of ore deposit is discussed. Deposit types discussed include magmatic Ni-Cu, magmatic PGE-Cr, porphyry, epithermal, skarn, Rare Earth Element (REE) and iron oxide copper gold (IOCG). Laboratory exercises involve geological problem solving using a mineral exploration industry focus involving the examination of geological maps and representative suites of samples (thin sections and hand samples) from different types of metallic mineral deposits.