Facilities and services
The School houses a number of advanced research facilities supporting research and impact activities in astrophysics, photonics and condensed matter physics.
Several of these facilities are available to external users, and the School welcomes enquiries from external researchers and from industry. For more information, please contact physics@st-andrews.ac.uk or use specific contacts as detailed below.
Clean room fabrication facilities
- electron-beam lithography
- photonic nanofabrication
- OLED and thin film photovoltaic fabrication
website: https://polyopto.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/facilities/
contact: physics@st-andrews.ac.uk
Centre for Designer Quantum Materials
- MBE growth of oxides and chalcogenides
- cryogenic STM spectroscopy in the School's ultralow vibration laboratories
- on-site helium liquifier
- spin- and angular resolved photoemission
- MPMS, PPMS, x-ray
website: https://www.quantummatter.co.uk/
contact: cdqm@st-andrews.ac.uk
University Observatory
- James Gregory Telescope
- SUPAscopes – three robotic telescopes within the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Network
website: https://observatory.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/contact/
contact: observ@st-andrews.ac.uk
EPR facility
- pulsed and continuous-wave electron paramagnetic resonance in X, Q and W-bands
website: https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~mmwave/epr/research/facilities/
contact: hem2@st-andrews.ac.uk
Technical services
- Mechanical Workshop Team (PDF) with advanced machining capabilities (including the Sodick Technology Hub)
- Electronic Services Technical Team (PDF) for design, assembly and repairs
website: https://electronicservices.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/
contact: physics@st-andrews.ac.uk
Organic Semiconductor Centre
- Ultrafast spectroscopy laboratories
- Materials characterisation
- Optoelectronic device fabrication
website: http://polyopto.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/facilities/
contact: osc@st-andrews.ac.uk