
The Department has long-standing research strengths in the core areas of Anglo-American philosophy. It is the home of The Philosophical Quarterly, one of the premier international refereed philosophy journals. The three research centres offer large and diverse programmes of seminars, workshops, and conferences. Each year the Department hosts hundreds of visitors from the UK and the international philosophical community and has an excellent record in winning funding for major research projects in every aspect of philosophy and its history.

Current research in the Department includes, among much else:

  • work on the logic of conceivability
  • conceptual engineering
  • medieval paradoxes
  • effective altruism
  • blame and responsibility
  • Kant’s moral philosophy
  • philosophising in 18th-century Britain
  • ancient philosophy.

The Department is always glad to hear from early career scholars interested in basing themselves at St Andrews. If you are considering applying for a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship, Newton Fellowship, or similar, please contact the Director of Research by emailing

Recent publications

Research seminars and reading groups

The Department organises many reading groups including:

See the full range of research events in the Philosophy Department calendar, the Arché calendar and the CEPPA calendar