Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships in Philosophy at St Andrews
If you want to apply for a 2024 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship at St Andrews (in Philosophy) then the deadline is: 30th November 2023.
Please send your application to pmg2@st-andrews.ac.uk or phildor@st-andrews.ac.uk.
Your application should take the following form:
About the applicant and their research:
- Title of research proposal: No more than 80 characters including spaces.
- Fields of study: Select the fields of study which most closely reflect the area of research of the current application.
- Abstract: This account should be given in non-technical terms so as to be easily comprehensible to a non-expert (maximum 100 words).
- Details of current and past research: Give details of your current and past research experience (maximum 250 words). If this is too extensive to be summarised in 250 words focus on the research most relevant to the current application.
- Detailed statement of proposed research: This should include aims, objectives, methodology and outcome (e.g. publication plans). This statement and the bibliographic references may not exceed two sides of A4. We recommend that you use Arial font size 11.
- Major publications: Please list your publications (maximum one side of A4) under three main headings; 'In preparation', 'Submitted' and 'Published', as appropriate. We recommend that you use Arial font size 11. If a full list of your publications exceeds one page, then include only the publications most relevant to the current application.
- 3 Referees: Name, email address and current institution. No more than one referee should be from the proposed host institution. The head of department from your proposed host institution may not act as a referee.
- PhD Award Date: Please advise as to your PhD award date.
- An up-to-date CV (Max 3 pages A4)