Joint Doctoral Programme with the University of Amsterdam

3 March 2021

The Department of Philosophy at the University of St Andrews and the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam have inaugurated a four year (full-time) Joint Doctoral Programme. The aim of the Programme is to train world-leading researchers in Philosophy, Logic, Language, and Computation.

The PhD candidates admitted to the Joint St Andrews-Amsterdam Programme will be supervised in co-tutelle by academics from both institutions. They will conduct research for at least one year in St Andrews and for at least one year in Amsterdam. They will be awarded a joint degree and a twofold diploma, with the titles of Doctor of Philosophy for St Andrews and Doctor for Amsterdam.

Specific individual student agreements can be designed to suit the needs of each PhD candidate in co-tutelle.

The academic coordinators of the Joint Programme are Prof. Luca Incurvati  for Amsterdam, and Prof. Franz Berto  for St Andrews. They can be contacted for further information.