Biometric residence permits

If you are an international student with a Student visa to study for more than six months, and submitted your biometrics at a centre, you will need to collect your biometric residence permit (BRP) when you arrive in the United Kingdom.

What is a biometric residence permit?

A biometric residence permit is proof of the holder’s right to stay, work or study in the UK. It holds biographic details (name, date and place of birth) and biometric information (facial image and fingerprints). It also shows the immigration status and entitlements of the holder while they remain in the UK.

A BRP can be used as a form of identification. Although the holder is not required to carry the permit at all times, they must show it at the border, together with their passport, when travelling out from or returning to the UK.

BRP expiry

Your BRP card will have an expiry date of 31 December 2024. The UKVI is phasing out all BRP cards and after 31 December 2024 you will prove your status online, via an eVisa. Please continue to travel with your BRP until after its expiry.

If your BRP card is lost or stolen

Keep your BRP card in a safe location and do not use as ID. Your BRP card is your visa and you must have it in order to enter the UK. See what to do if your BRP card is lost or stolen.

Please look into applying for an ID card and keep your BRP card (visa) safe with your passport:

How to report a problem with your new BRP

If there’s a problem with your BRP when it arrives, or if it doesn't arrive, report it within ten days. Otherwise, you may have to apply and pay for a replacement. See how to report a problem with your BRP