Report + Support Third Report August 2022 to July 2023

By providing a facility for everyone in our community to raise concerns about the behaviour, safety and wellbeing of others, Report + Support continues to contribute to the refreshed University Strategy key objectives; to foster an inclusive and compassionate culture where all feel able to be their authentic selves and to build greater diversity across our student and staff communities and make real progress in addressing inequalities.

In nurturing a compassionate and inclusive community, it is essential to acknowledge the reality that members of our community have been subjected to harassment, discrimination, sexual violence, and bullying behaviours. Whilst these behaviours are evident in all facets of society, and our University is no exception, this report is one aspect of a more comprehensive range of work to address these issues. 

Recognising that positive wellbeing relies on an equity of access to assistance, Report + Support provides an online avenue for people to disclose distress.  

The University of St Andrews launched Report + Support in November 2020. The second report covered the period from September 2021 to August 2022. This report will cover the academic year – between 1 August 2022 and 31 July 2023.

Key findings:

  • The number of disclosures submitted via Report + Support at 200, were comparable to last year at 209.
  • Disclosures from staff have more than doubled, growing from 13 in 2021-2022 to 32 in 2022-2023.
  • 'Other' incident type selections have decreased from 46 last year to 16 in 2022-2023. We believe that the introduction of additional incident types, such as Racism, have enabled people to categorise disclosures more effectively.
  • The most common incident type across all disclosures for students and staff in 2022-2023 was Bullying, with 58 disclosures, compared to 29 last year.
  • 42% of all disclosures are anonymous, with the top two reasons being "I want the University to have this information" without sharing their identity and "I'm worried about the repercussion for me or others."