AdvanceHE Aurora Leadership Programme

Aurora logo

Aurora is AdvanceHE's leadership development initiative for women to their develop leadership and networking skills. It is run by AdvanceHE as a unique partnership bringing together leadership experts, higher education providers and research institutes to take positive action to address the under-representation of women in leadership positions in the sector. Since 2014, the University has been supporting women from across the University develop themselves and advance in their leadership journey through the Aurora programme and is include in the University’s Athena Swan Action Plan for addressing gender inequality.

Overview of the Aurora Leadership Programme

The Aurora Leadership Programme is a 12-month long programme combining instructor-led development activities, self-directed learning, action learning sets, and mentoring designed to develop participants in leadership skills. The programme consists of the following elements:

  • An in-person programme welcome session
  • An online programme induction session
  • Four, 5-hour, online ‘Development days’ sessions
  • Two, 5-hour, online Action Learning Set days
  • An in-person ‘Your future in HE’ career session
  • Self-directed study between development days
  • Mentoring from an employee in a leadership role within the University

The AdvanceHE run development activities will take place between October and March. The mentoring provision of the programme will run from November for a 12-month period.


To be eligible to participate in the programme, applicants must be:

  • a woman,

  • working in either an academic, research, technical, or a professional services role,

  • working in a role that is either grade 5 (professional services only), 6, 7, or 8,

  • employed directly by the University on a University of St Andrews employment contract, and

  • on a permanent or open-ended contract or has a fixed-term contract with an end date after the end date of the programme (i.e., date of last session).

This programme is not suitable for colleagues working as a Head of School or Head/Director of Service Unit.

Agency workers, contractors, and ScotGEM General Clinical Mentors are not eligible to apply to join the St Andrews cohort of the AdvanceHE Aurora Leadership Programme.

Expectations of programme participants

The Aurora Leadership Programme is a prestigious and competitive development programme that bears a considerable funding cost for the University. As such, participants are expected to commit to the full programme.

Therefore, programme participants are expected to:

  • Commit to managing your own workload in such a way as to allow you to fully participate in the programme,
  • Commit to attending the programme induction,
  • Commit to attending all four Advance HE development days,
  • Commit to attending both action learning sets days,
  • Commit to completing all assigned pre-work and self-directed learning, and
  • Commit to engaging with their mentor for the 12-month period of mentorship.

Given the considerable commitment for the participants in terms of time and resource to participant in the programme, there is an expectation on the participant’s line manager to support their colleague in fully participating in the programme.

Therefore, line managers of programme participants are expected to:

  • Include participation in the programme in the participant’s RDS/ARDS record,
  • Commit to allowing the participant to attend all required scheduled development events and activities,
  • Commit to taking all reasonable steps, alongside the participant, to ensure that the participant workload or duties does not prevent them from participating in programme’s activities and events, and
  • Commit to supporting the participant in finding opportunities for them to practice their learning and development from the programme, where possible.

Programme requirements and time commitments

The Aurora programme consists of seven, interlinked developmental activity days with additional self-directed learning throughout the programme. Participants will join the Scottish cohort by default for their development activities throughout the programme. In the event that a participant is foreseeably unable to attend one or more activity dates for the Scottish cohort, them may request to be allocated to another cohort with different scheduled activity dates, with sufficient notice and subject to availability.

Participants are required to attend all four development days and both action learning set days. Participants who are unable to participate in scheduled activity dates due to unforeseen, exceptional circumstances, may be granted a deferral to the following year. This will be at the discretion of AdvanceHE, if authorised by OSDS.

It is recommended that participants block out the whole day for each development activity day to allow time for completion of any pre-work before each session, and reflection on learning at the end of each session.

Dates of 2024/25 cohort programme activities

Here are the dates of the Aurora 2024/25 cohort programme activities. Activities have been split into a list of mandatory activities, followed by a list of optional activities.

Mandatory sessions

Development Day #1 – Theme: Identity, Impact, and Voice

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Thursday 3 October 2024, 10am-3pm.

Development Day #2 – Theme: Core leadership

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Friday 25 October 2024, 10am-3pm.

Action Learning Set #1

Venue: Delegates self-host

Date/time: Friday 15 November 2024, 10am-3pm.

Development day #3 – Theme: Politics and Influence

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Thursday 21 November 2024, 10am-3pm

Development Day #4 – Theme: Adaptive Leadership

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Tuesday 10 December 2024, 10am-3pm

Action Learning Set #2

Venue: Delegates self-host

Date/time: Thursday 6 February 2025, 10am-3pm

Optional (but highly-recommended) sessions

St Andrews welcome and information session

Venue: In-person (Hebdomadar’s Room, Hebdomadar’s Block, 75 North St)

Date/time: Wednesday 25 September, 11:30am-1:45pm

AdvanceHE Induction Session

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Thursday 26 September, 10am-12:30pm

Network and Exchange Session – Guest speaker: Real leadership story

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Monday 30 September 2024, 10am-11am

Network and Exchange Session – Resilience and Wellbeing

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Wednesday 23 October 2024, 10am-11am

Network and Exchange Session – Communication and Influence

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Monday 18 November 2024, 11am-12pm

Network and Exchange Session – Panel discussion: Women in HE from and International and Intersectional Lens

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Wednesday 11 December 2024, 11am-12pm

Network and Exchange Session – Life Transitions

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Friday 10 January 2025, 10am-11am

‘Your future in HE’ career session

Venue: In-person (Sheraton Grand Hotel, Festival Square, Edinburgh, EH3 9SR)

Date/time: Friday 17 January 2025,10am-4pm

Network and Exchange Session – Giving Feedback as a Leadership Skill

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Tuesday 4 February 2025, 11am-12pm

Network and Exchange Session – Powerful Listening

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Tuesday 25 March 2025, 10am-11am

Network and Exchange Session – Panel Discussion: International Exchange

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Wednesday 21 May 2025, 10am-11am

Network and Exchange Session – Connecting and Networking

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Date/time: Monday 16 June 2025, 11am-12pm

How to apply

Please make sure that you have read and checked your availability to attend all of the mandatory sessions before submitting an application.

The application window for the 2024/25 cohort of the Advance HE Aurora Leadership Programme is now open.

AdvanceHE Aurora Leadership Programme 2024/25 cohort application form

Applications and line manager endorsements must be submitted by 17:00 on Thursday 29 August.

An online information session for prospective applicants will run 11:00-11:30, on Wednesday 14 August.

You can register to attend this session via booking on PDMS: Booking link for information session

To apply to join the programme, applicants must complete the Aurora 2024/25 Cohort Application Form.

In this form, applicants must include:

  • your personal details (e.g., name, contact details, job title, grade, school/unit, etc).
  • your line manager’s contact details.
  • a personal statement describing why you wish to participate in the programme, including details about:
    • the skills and knowledge you hope to obtain from participation,
    • the value for you in participating in the programme at your current career stage, and
    • your career goals and aspirations and how participation will help you achieve these.
  • five leadership skill areas, from the provided list, that you wish to develop with your mentor.

Once the application form has been submitted, the applicant’s line manager will be contacted to provide a statement endorsing the application. Applicants must note that applications will not be considered without endorsement from their line manager.

In this statement, the line manager is required to:

  • confirm that they commit to supporting the applicant in fully participating in the programme, including attending all required development activities,
  • confirm that they commit to working with the applicant in taking reasonable steps to prevent the applicant’s regular workload and duties from interfering in their ability to participate in the programme,
  • confirm that participation in the programme forms part of the applicants professional development and is recorded in the applicant’s RDS/ARDS record,
  • confirm that they commit to support the applicant in finding opportunities to apply the learning and skills development they have received from the programme, where possible, and
  • provide a personal statement that details how the programme aligns with the applicants development needs and how their participation would benefit their team, school, or unit.

Selection process and Aurora Champions

Once the application window has closed, the applications will be collated and reviewed by a panel. This panel is convened by the Vice-Principal (People and Diversity) and will include colleagues from Organisational and Staff Development Services and at least one Aurora Champion.

The University’s Aurora Champions are:

Professor Dame Sally Mapstone FRSE, Principal and Vice-Chancellor

Dr Rebekah Widdowfield, Vice-Principal (People and Diversity)

Avery Hawkins, Organisational Development Adviser

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to participate?

The University pays £1,100 per placement (as of 2024) in the programme. This is centrally funded from the University’s employee professional development budget and is paid by OSDS. Individuals and their respective schools or units are not required to reimburse this cost to OSDS.

The University will reimburse programme participants for travel and subsistence expenses incurred from attending in-person programme events and activities that are compliant with the University’s Travel Policy and Expenses Policy respectively. Travel and subsistence expenses are funded from the participant’s school or unit cost centre.

Is a development programme which is exclusively for women legal in the UK?

The Aurora programme is an externally run development initiative created by AdvanceHE, a member-led charity of and for the Higher Education sector that works with partners across the globe to improve higher education for employees, students, and society.

Under UK legislation and the Scottish Specific Duties (2012) resulting from the Equality Act (2010), it is lawful to take positive action to address under representation and minimise workplace disadvantage.

Are there previous participants that I can speak to about their experience?

Previous applicants for the programme have had the benefit of speaking to previous participants to ask about their experience and understand whether the programme is right for them.

To help you make contact with previous participants in the programme, below is a list of participants from the two previous years that the programme has run.

2023/24 Cohort



Stefanie Eminger

Academic Registry

Shereen Derkani


Wei Lin


Gill Braulik


Maria Iannino

Business School

Xi Xi

Business School

Jillian Connolly

Business Transformation

Dee McDougall-Bagnall

Business Transformation

Rachel McEwen

Careers Service

Silvia Synowsky


Sam Dixon


Katrin Bosse


Karen Murphy

Education and Student Experience

Jessica Hope

Geography and Sustainable Development

Bronagh Masterson

Global Office

Paula Villegas Verdu

International Education Institute

Faye Donnelly

International Relations

Keru Cai

Modern Languages

Anna Stefaniak

Psychology and Neuroscience

Rees Hughes

Research and Innovation Services

Rebecca Hyndman

Student Services

Nioma Robertson

Student Services


2022/23 Cohort



Shona Melville


Gail Davidson

Business Transformation

Karen Hall

Careers Centre

Amy Kinsman

Careers Centre

Aisling Crean


Margherita Negri

Economics and Finance

Amanda Cook


Antje Brown

Geography and Sustainable Development

Montserrat Lopez Jerez


Audrey Horsburgh

Graduate School

Bethany McNally

IT Services

Neha Gopinath


Eiren Jacobson

Mathematics and Statistics

Theoni Photopoulou

Mathematics and Statistics

Eilidh Lawrence

Museum Collections

Ellen Thomson

Music Centre

Louise Soutar

Office of the Principal

Jennifer Pritchard

Research and Innovation Services