Lasing from, within and around live cells for new forms of microscopy
Prof Malte Gather
Accessible to all students.
I will present our recent work on new micro- and nano-photonic cavity-based techniques to study cells and their behaviour. My lab is probably most well-known for the invention of the biological laser, which recently made it into the Guinness World Records. Beyond these unique lasers, the lab works on functional imaging modalities to study the mechanical properties of single cells at unprecedented resolution. During my talk, I will cover recent work on biolasers and introduce our micro-cavity based photonic sensor platform which allows us to follow the movement and mechanical action of primary cells over much longer times than possible with current state-of-the-art technology. Time permitting, our recent development of an organic LED based technology platform for optical manipulation of cell behaviour will also be discussed.
Duration: 1 hour
Host: PhySoc