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Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Group of Bernd Braunecker

Welcome to the Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics group of Bernd Braunecker

We are at the School of Physics and Astronomy of the University of St Andrews, and we are part of the Centre for Designer Quantum Materials, of SUPA and of the Centre for Energy Ethics.

Our research is on fundamental non-equilibrium, many-body physics guided by the requirements for a future quantum technology.

Current investigations involve:

  • Topological textures obtained by interactions between a superconductor and magnetic patterns.
  • Many-body dynamics in hybrid spin-electron systems with connections to NMR, ultrafast dynamics, quantum thermodynamics and quantum information transfer.
  • Many-body quench dynamics as extensions of the Orthogonality Catastrophe or Fermi-edge Singularity physics.
  • Generation and detection of entanglement in nanostructures.

More detailed descriptions can be found on our Research page.

We are always looking for highly motivated, outstanding PhD students and postdocs. If you are interested the best is to make first an informal contact with Bernd Braunecker. There is no need to send directly a formal application, and we prefer an informal discussion as a start.

Go to the Positions page for more information about application, funding and potential PhD projects.