School of Physics and Astronomy
University of St Andrews

Transferable Skills for Physicists PH3014


Instructions for using WebCT on this module


This 15 credit module allows students to practise and extend their knowledge and understanding of physics (including astronomy) at the same time as gaining important and useful experience in transferable skills. These skills, which are sometimes referred to as professional skills or key skills, are a vital part of the abilities of a graduate physicist. We intend that this module should strengthen students' skills in the following areas:-

While many of these skills are developed in "conventional" modules, concentrating on these skills in this module should ensure that all our students have all these important abilities. These skills are vital for academic study and research, and for careers in industry, business, and elsewhere. They will help students with their final year project report and presentation. They are things that will be the subject of questions at interviews for positions in industry and commerce, and for PhD places.

These skills are developed in the context of physics and astronomy, so that students also have the opportunity of exploring and practising their main subject. Some will already be competent in some of the skills that we will be practising; others may require more work. Students are encouraged to assess their own abilities, and seek assistance from staff, books, or fellow students as appropriate. After all, one of the skills that we are keen to encourage in this module is that of people taking control of their own learning.

This module is spread over two semesters. We aim to give advice and guidance through lectures, workshops, and special tutorials. These skills tutorials consist of groups of between three and five students with a member of staff.  Much of the "teaching" is being done by the students themselves as they drive their own learning. Their expertise is developed by practising skills in a number of assignments. Their achievement is measured by continuous assessment, with no examinations.

The major assignments are:-

Much more detailed information is available on the WebCT site for this module.

The course co-ordinator is Bruce Sinclair, who is happy to answer any queries.  Course-catalogue entry for the module.


Last updated BDS  15.5.02