CH5822 Research Skills in Chemistry

Academic year

2024 to 2025 Semester 2

Key module information

SCOTCAT credits


The Scottish Credit Accumulation and Transfer (SCOTCAT) system allows credits gained in Scotland to be transferred between institutions. The number of credits associated with a module gives an indication of the amount of learning effort required by the learner. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credits are half the value of SCOTCAT credits.

SCQF level

SCQF level 11

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) provides an indication of the complexity of award qualifications and associated learning and operates on an ascending numeric scale from Levels 1-12 with SCQF Level 10 equating to a Scottish undergraduate Honours degree.

Planned timetable

To be arranged.

This information is given as indicative. Timetable may change at short notice depending on room availability.

Module coordinator

Prof M Buehl

This information is given as indicative. Staff involved in a module may change at short notice depending on availability and circumstances.

Module Staff

all staff

This information is given as indicative. Staff involved in a module may change at short notice depending on availability and circumstances.

Module description

This module involves gaining familiarity and expertise in specialised research techniques in the Chemical Sciences appropriate to the prospective Research Project. These will vary considerably according to the chosen area but may include running a computer modelling calculation, operation of spectrometers, diffractometers, and similar instruments, searching for data in the chemical literature, manipulation of air sensitive materials, conducting a high-pressure reaction etc.

Assessment pattern

Coursework (laboratory reports) = 100%


Oral Re-Assessment = 100%

Learning and teaching methods and delivery

Weekly contact

14 hours practical classes (x 10 weeks), 1-hour one-to-one supervision (x 10 weeks)

Scheduled learning hours


The number of compulsory student:staff contact hours over the period of the module.

Guided independent study hours


The number of hours that students are expected to invest in independent study over the period of the module.

Intended learning outcomes

  • Learn and use research skills
  • Communicate in writing with clarity and accuracy
  • Present work and findings in a professional manner, with attention to detail
  • Apply critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis to solve complex problems