MD3101 Year 2 MBChB (Graduate Entry)
Academic year
2024 to 2025 Full Year
Curricular information may be subject to change
Further information on which modules are specific to your programme.
Key module information
SCOTCAT credits
SCQF level
SCQF level 9
Availability restrictions
Only available to students enrolled on the Medicine (Graduate Entry) programme.
Planned timetable
To be arranged
Module coordinator
Dr J P Winpenny
Module Staff
Mix of School of Medicine academic staff and NHS secondary care clinicians and Generalist Clinical Mentors (GCMs- GPs)
Module description
The module will consist of an induction week at the start of the year (August), followed by a rotating series of teaching blocks of variable length around our partner NHS Boards in Scotland. The first 2 blocks (8 weeks each) will focus on case-based learning. Students will learn in primary care and secondary care placements and University settings. The third block (12 weeks) will combine case-based learning with an agents of change project. The final block (6 weeks) will consist of the patient journey and emergency care. Students will learn in primary care and secondary care, with associated lectures.
Relationship to other modules
Assessment pattern
Coursework = 20%, Practical Examination = 40%, Written Examination = 40%
Coursework = 20%, Practical Examination = 40%, Written Examination = 40%
Learning and teaching methods and delivery
Weekly contact
Average 10 hours total lectures and clinical plenary per week plus two days of work-place based learning (one with Generalist Clinical Mentor). Average 6 hours total of directed self study.
Intended learning outcomes
- Apply biomedical, psychological, and social science principles to medical practice, and understand the ethical and legal principles relevant to professional practice
- Communicate effectively with patients, conduct basic examinations and diagnostic reasoning, and perform simple procedures
- Contribute to established programs or projects that advance healthcare
- Seek, give, receive, and act upon feedback to advance your development and reflect upon your learning and development needs to generate relevant action plans