MT3501 Linear Mathematics 2
Academic year
2024 to 2025 Semester 1
Curricular information may be subject to change
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Key module information
SCOTCAT credits
SCQF level
SCQF level 9
Planned timetable
12.00 noon Mon (even weeks), Tue and Thu
Module Staff
Dr Yoav Len
Module description
This module continues the study of vector spaces and linear transformations begun in MT2501. It aims to show the importance of linearity in many areas of mathematics ranging from linear algebra through to geometric applications to linear operators and special functions. The main topics covered include: diagonalisation and the minimum polynomial; Jordan normal form; inner product spaces; orthonormal sets and the Gram-Schmidt process.
Relationship to other modules
Assessment pattern
2-hour Written Examination = 90%, Coursework = 10%
Oral examination = 100%
Learning and teaching methods and delivery
Weekly contact
2.5 lectures (x 10 weeks) and 1 tutorial (x 10 weeks).
Scheduled learning hours
Guided independent study hours
Intended learning outcomes
- Develop a deeper understanding of vector spaces and linear transformations begun in MT2501
- Appreciate the mathematical underpinnings of linear mathematics and their application to solving problems in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, theoretical physics, and statistics
- Understand and be able to apply various computational methods, such as those to find: the matrix of transformation; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; determinants; diagonal, upper triangular, Jordan normal matrices; dual transformation, basis, and spaces; quotient spaces, and quotient linear transformations.
- Show a geometric understanding of linear mathematics, and the way this motivated the development of linear mathematics (for example, why matrix multiplication is defined the way it is, the meaning of the determinant, and so on)