IE0354 Foundation Organic Chemistry
Academic year
2024 to 2025 Semester 2
Curricular information may be subject to change
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Key module information
SCOTCAT credits
SCQF level
SCQF level 6
Availability restrictions
Only available to students on IE International Foundation Programmes.
Planned timetable
To be arranged
Module coordinator
Dr H J Mitchell
Module Staff
Dr Helen Mitchell
Module description
The Foundation Organic Chemistry course is designed as an introduction to the key concepts of organic chemistry. The course will develop students' existing understanding of structure and bonding of covalently bonded molecules, and introduce them to a range of spectroscopic methods for determining the structure of organic compounds. Students will become acquainted with the common functional groups in organic molecules and how they react, using arrow-pushing mechanisms to describe and explain reaction outcomes. Although described as non-degree level, much of the module contains Level 7 content. This course will be useful to students intending to study degrees in the life sciences and Medicine.
Assessment pattern
Coursework = 25%, Examination = 75%
Existing coursework 25%; Written Examination 75%
Learning and teaching methods and delivery
Weekly contact
2 lectures (×12 weeks). 1 tutorial (×12 weeks)
Scheduled learning hours
Guided independent study hours
Intended learning outcomes
- Demonstrate a sound working knowledge of the fundamental concepts in organic chemistry
- Use experimental data appropriately to solve problems
- Communicate chemical ideas and explanations effectively, using appropriate combinations of speech, writing, structures and diagrams
- Demonstrate the capacity to learn independently, and participate actively in tutorials