GG5099 Dissertation in Human Geography/Sustainable Development
Academic year
2024 to 2025 Full Year
Curricular information may be subject to change
Further information on which modules are specific to your programme.
Key module information
SCOTCAT credits
SCQF level
SCQF level 11
Availability restrictions
Available only to students taking MRes Programmes in the School of Geography and Sustainable Development
Planned timetable
To be arranged.
Module Staff
Team taught
Module description
Depending on their interests, students choose a topic in the field of human geography or sustainable development on which to conduct independent research. Dissertations will be supervised by a member of the teaching staff who will provide advice throughout the research process. Research will be conducted over the summer after the end of the taught modules. The project can be used to pilot some aspect of the PHD project onto which the student will transition after completing the MRes. The completed dissertation must be no more than 15,000 words.
Assessment pattern
Coursework = 100%
No Re-Assessment Available
Learning and teaching methods and delivery
Weekly contact
Up to 8 hours of guided study per student over semester 2 and the summer (one-to-one supervision, by arrangement with supervisor).
Scheduled learning hours
Guided independent study hours