ET5524 English Medium Instruction
Academic year
2024 to 2025 Semester 2
Curricular information may be subject to change
Further information on which modules are specific to your programme.
Key module information
SCOTCAT credits
SCQF level
SCQF level 11
Availability restrictions
Only available to PGT TESOL and International Education students.
Planned timetable
Lectures: 11-1pm, Mondays and Tuesdays, Weeks 7-11. Practical: To be confirmed, Weeks 7-11
Module coordinator
Mrs K Tavakoli
Module Staff
Kerry Tavakoli, Jenny Taylorson
Module description
As the place of English as a global language continues to develop, the number of high school and university courses taught through the medium of English is increasing. This is a very complex situation, and will have a significant impact on the teaching and learning of English worldwide, for both students and lecturers. It has therefore become a vital component in the postgraduate study of TESOL and International Education The module will provide students with an understanding of the controversies of English as an international language for academic study and the complexity involved in speakers of any language teaching and learning in a second language.
Assessment pattern
Coursework = 100%
Coursework = 100%
Learning and teaching methods and delivery
Weekly contact
4 hours lectures (x 5 weeks), 1 hour seminar (x 5 weeks)
Intended learning outcomes
- critically differentiate conceptualisations of the internationalisation of education and English medium instruction
- critically analyse English medium instruction from a range of stakeholder perspectives
- critically defend decisions regarding the use of L1 in a particular English medium instruction context
- critically engage with the complex nature of (language) learning strategies in English medium instruction
- critically analyse the concept of classroom interaction and its impact on content delivery and uptake