ES4013 Independent Mapping Project
Academic year
2024 to 2025 Semester 1
Curricular information may be subject to change
Further information on which modules are specific to your programme.
Key module information
SCOTCAT credits
SCQF level
SCQF level 10
Availability restrictions
Only available to MGeol students
Planned timetable
To be confirmed
Module coordinator
Dr W McCarthy
Module Staff
All of the academic staff will supervise one or two students
Module description
The ability to independently collect geological field data and to interpret and report them are key skills required of any Earth Sciences graduate. It is also a key requisite of Geological Society of London accredited programmes. This module requires the candidate to identify an area of geological interest and to take responsibility for the logistical and health and safety requirements of their fieldwork. The candidate will map independently the solid and/or Quaternary geology of a chosen field area and report their work in the form of a notebook, geological map and mapping report. The candidate is at liberty to choose an area and a supervisor that resonate with their own interests in Earth Sciences. At the end of the module, the candidate will have demonstrated their skills in the collection and interpretation of field geology. Such skills can then underpin lab-based studies (such as geochemistry or geophysics) in subsequent project (e.g. dissertation) work.
Relationship to other modules
Assessment pattern
100% Coursework
No reassessment available
Learning and teaching methods and delivery
Weekly contact
Weekly to two-weekly contact
Scheduled learning hours
Guided independent study hours