DI5901 The Bible and Contemporary Issues
Academic year
2024 to 2025 Semester 2
Curricular information may be subject to change
Further information on which modules are specific to your programme.
Key module information
SCOTCAT credits
SCQF level
SCQF level 11
Planned timetable
Online Learning
Module coordinator
Dr E Stoddart
Module Staff
To be confirmed along with other contributors for this Module.
Module description
Believing that the Bible can shape our thinking about issues of contemporary concern is one thing; working out how this is to be done is another. This module explores a variety of hermeneutical approaches that have been proposed to make intelligent connections between the Christian scriptures, events, trends and cultural assumptions. We explore how the Hebrew Bible and New Testament traditions can be interpreted in relation to matters of public interest. A historical perspective to Christians’ use of the Bible in this regard is complemented by considering recent radical hermeneutical methods.
Assessment pattern
Coursework = 100%
Where a student fails the assessment for a taught module, one or more such components of coursework originally graded at less than 7 may be revised and resubmitted. The weighted-mean grade for reassessed components will be added to the weighted-mean grade for original (i.e first) submission-components. This new overall grade will be capped at 7.
Learning and teaching methods and delivery
Weekly contact
Online lectures and seminars.
Intended learning outcomes
- Evince understanding of, and critically assess, how a variety of authors relate biblical texts to issues of the contemporary world
- Demonstrate an intelligent grasp of interdisciplinary approaches to mediating the Bible to the contemporary world
- Understand, select and critically deploy interpretive skills in relating the Bible to an issue of contemporary significance
- Evince skills of systematic interrogation and interpretation of texts and other resources
- Formulate persuasive arguments which engage with key Christian theological concerns around hermeneutics and intersectionality.