CS5939 Data-Driven Systems
Academic year
2024 to 2025 Flexible study
Curricular information may be subject to change
Further information on which modules are specific to your programme.
Key module information
SCOTCAT credits
SCQF level
SCQF level 11
Availability restrictions
Available only to students studying the PG Cert/PG Dip/MSc in Data Science (Digital), PG Cert/PG Dip/MLitt Digital Humanities, or PG Cert/PG Dip/MSc Digital Art History
Module coordinator
Dr B Varghese
Module Staff
TBC: Module coordinator(s): Computer Science (cs5939.staff@st-andrews.ac.uk)
Module description
This is an advanced research-focused module that will encourage independent learning. The module has two components. The first is a set of lectures that presents the foundations of distributed systems and techniques that process data. The second is a set of research articles taken from a range of relevant topic areas that will be read and analysed by the student. Data is the fuel of the modern digital economy. It is expected that by 2025 over 180 zettabytes of data will be generated in a year by our smartphone apps, entertainment services and social media sites. How do companies such as Facebook, Google and Netflix manage data at the Internet scale? CS5939 will present the underlying concepts, programming frameworks and large-scale distributed systems essential for storing, analysing and processing data along with application use-cases.
Assessment pattern
Coursework = 100%
Coursework = 100%
Learning and teaching methods and delivery
Weekly contact
Students should expect to engage in approximately six tutorials over the course of the module, which will be scheduled with an awareness of the pace at which they are progressing, rather than at a fixed time each week. Students should consider the amount of independent study time this module involves when planning their learning.
Scheduled learning hours
Guided independent study hours
Intended learning outcomes
- Understand large-scale distributed systems for data-driven computing.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the use of a programming framework for engineering distributed systems and evaluating them.
- Be able to analyse research literature on a range of topics on data-driven systems.
- Understand the challenges involved in developing distributed systems for different application use-cases.