CL4467 Classics for the Modern World: interventions and applications
Academic year
2024 to 2025 Semester 2
Curricular information may be subject to change
Further information on which modules are specific to your programme.
Key module information
SCOTCAT credits
SCQF level
SCQF level 10
Availability restrictions
Available to General Degree students with the permission of the Honours Adviser
Planned timetable
To be confirmed
Module coordinator
Dr A R Konig
Module Staff
Dr Alice Konig
Module description
This innovative 'living labs' module will challenge students to research ways in which our study of the ancient world might contribute to debates about pressing modern issues. There will be lots of guided reflection on the ethics and methodologies of using material and models from the past as 'interventions' in modern-day problems, with discussion of various 'uses and abuses' of the ancient past along the way. Much of the work on the module will revolve around team-work, with groups ultimately having to pitch a well-researched proposal for a viable project that will bring ancient knowledge/material to bear on a modern challenge (such as 'fake news'). Students will also be assessed individually, however, via written assignments that ask them to reflect on the process of finding ancient solutions to modern-day problems. This module will give students new insights into the study of the ancient world as well as developing skills in problem-solving, team-work and entrepreneurial thinking.
Relationship to other modules
Assessment pattern
Coursework = 100% (learning diary, 25%; research proposal, 10%; presentation, 25%, essay, 40%)
3-hour Written Examination = 100%
Learning and teaching methods and delivery
Weekly contact
1 x 2-hour seminar (x11 weeks)
Intended learning outcomes
- Describe and analyse different (and differently valid) methodologies for connecting ancient material and modern issues.
- Describe and analyse past examples of 'applied Classics'
- Identify and select new opportunities for connecting ancient and modern issues.
- Design, evaluate and select appropriate new methods for applying ancient material to modern challenges.
- Collaborate effectively with others in choosing, researching, designing and presenting a project proposal.
- Research, design, present and reflectively evaluate a viable proposal for connecting particular ancient and modern issues.