
91 modules found
  1. CS1002 - Object-Oriented Programming

    This module covers problem-solving skills, programming basics and object-oriented concepts, modelling and programming. Practical skills are reinforced through a range of exercises …

  2. CS1003 - Programming with Data

    This module explores various aspects of data storage, processing and analysis. Programming skills are reinforced through a range of exercises and practicals covering various…

  3. CS1006 - Programming Projects

    This module reinforces key Java programming skills gained in CS1002, by means of a series of coursework assignments posed as mini-projects. These are designed to offer increasing…

  4. CS1007 - Computer Systems Fundamentals

    This module introduces students to concepts and practicalities surrounding access and use of modern computer systems via a Unix environment. It will cover both local and remote…

  5. CS2001 - Foundations of Computation

    This module introduces fundamental algorithms, data structures and formal language concepts at the heart of modern software, and develops skills in programming and analysis.

  6. CS2002 - Computer Systems

    This module develops skills in programming in C, systems programming, digital logic and low-level computer organisation.

  7. CS2003 - The Internet and the Web: Concepts and Programming

    This module introduces the student to the Internet and the World Wide Web from a Computer Science perspective. It consists of two complementary streams: computer networks and…

  8. CS2006 - Advanced Programming Projects

    This module introduces the functional and dynamic programming paradigms, using languages such as Haskell and Python. Understanding is reinforced through extensive practical…

  9. CS2101 - Foundations of Computation (Accelerated)

    This module is an accelerated version of CS2001. It includes necessary background material from core first-year modules, as well as the same content as CS2001.

  10. CS3050 - Logic and Reasoning

    This module covers the foundations of logic that are relevant to computer scientists, with an emphasis on automatic reasoning and decidability. Topics include propositional and…