Curriculum at St Andrews

The main aims of the curriculum at the University of St Andrews are to foster flexible, independent thinkers who have both subject-related and generic skills in readiness for work or further study. The curriculum portfolio is developed on research-led teaching, guided by cutting edge researchers and delivered by outstanding teachers from around the world. Embedded in the core curriculum are principles of research methodology, ethics and responsibility as well as insight into global and cultural issues. The University teaches not only skills and flexible thinking, but a belief in the ability to use these beyongradud graduation.

The University provides an exceptional breadth and opportunity of choice, with a large range of subjects that can lead to joint degrees you will be encouraged to try new disciplines while following your own established academic interests. The University will ensure that relevant itonformation and advice is available when students are deciding to make such choices: to complement the key information contained in the Course Catalogue, academic staff are available for consultation in a process overseen by Associate Deans who can also provide expert guidance to students.

In order to achieve this, and to ensure that its teaching incorporates the research and related interests of its staff, the University reviews its curriculum portfolio on a regular basis including programmes and modules. Changes are made with due consideration to minimising impact, safeguarding academic standards and assuring the quality of the learning experience. These may include any of the following:

  • Changes to the timetable, location, number of classes and method of delivery of modules and programmes of study, provided such alterations are minimal.
  • Reasonable variations to the content and syllabus of modules and programmes of study (including in relation to Placements or Study Abroad) to ensure that teaching is research-led, current and relevant.
  • Suspension, discontinuation or combining of modules or programmes of study (for example, because a key member of staff is unwell or leaves the University).
  • Changes to ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures which the University reasonably considers necessary (for example, in the light of changes in the law or the requirements of the University's regulators, or for the benefit of its students and staff).
  • Not providing programmes of study or modules or combining them with others if the University reasonably considers this to be necessary (for example because too few students are admitted to them to provide the required learning experience).

As part of any such changes the University will:

  • Endeavour to minimise impact for current students and applicants by communicating at the earliest opportunity, offering reasonable alternative options or cancellation with no detriment and timing the changes sensitively;
  • Introduce major changes normally in such a way that these come into force at the beginning of the following academic year (if fundamental to the programme, major changes will normally come into force with effect from the next cohort of students);
  • Apply changes to policies, regulations and procedures with no detriment to current students;
  • Be cognisant of students on Leave of Absence and ensure that any changes to the curriculum are communicated clearly and suitable pathway options are available on return to study;
  • Ensure that the portfolio of modules available for students to choose from delivers the published learning aims and outcomes of the programme for which students are enrolled.