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  1. Artificial Intelligence (MSc)

    An advanced research-led course in the study of artificial intelligence (AI) that will develop students' skills in logic, constraint programming, language processing, machine learning, and neural networks.

  2. Computer Science (MSc)

    Offers students with a strong undergraduate background in computer science the opportunity to follow their interests in studying the subject at an advanced, research-led level. Students will have the option to choose from a range of advanced topics including artificial intelligence, human computer interaction, networks and distributed systems, and software engineering.

  3. Software Engineering (MSc)

    Advanced research-led course in software engineering where students develop knowledge and skills in software reuse, agile development, software architecture and critical systems engineering.

  4. Analytic and Exegetical Theology (MLitt)

    Addresses central themes in Christian thought. Students will carry out contemporary research in biblical exegesis, systematic theology, and analytic philosophy.

  5. Biblical Languages and Literature (MLitt)

    Students with a knowledge of Biblical languages will increase their linguistic and exegetical skills through sustained close and critical engagement with the Biblical texts and themes on this course.

  6. Theology and the Arts (MLitt)

    Gives students an introduction to the field of theology and the arts, acting as a stand-alone Masters course or a stepping stone for those considering doctoral research in the field.

  7. Systematic and Historical Theology (MLitt)

    Offers students the opportunity to engage at a high level with the study of Christian doctrine in its historical context and systematic expression.

  8. Romantic and Victorian Studies (MLitt)

    Enhances students' knowledge of the phases of literary production and reception, and of relevant cultural and historical contexts and thinking about Romanticism and Victorian literature through the study of literary culture from the 1790s to 1900.

  9. Women, Writing and Gender (MLitt)

    This course offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich and varied output of women writers across history and to consider critical issues surrounding gender and writing from 1500 to the present day.

  10. Legal and Constitutional Studies (MLitt)

    Study different theoretical approaches to law, legal history and constitutionalism, using the past to interrogate and investigate current issues and controversies.