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  1. Chemistry (International Year One)

    This pre-degree course introduces you to university teaching and research, and prepares you for an undergraduate degree in chemistry, chemical sciences or materials chemistry, and a potential career in a wide range of sectors.

  2. Geography (International Year One)

    This pre-degree course introduces you to university teaching and research with the aim of preparing you for an undergraduate degree in geography, and careers including security analysis, planning and development, and governance.

  3. Psychology (International Year One)

    Introduces you to university teaching and research with the aim of preparing you for an undergraduate degree in psychology, covering topics such as the role of inheritance, child development, and social psychology.

  4. Science (International Year Zero)

    This pre-degree course prepares you for success in your intended undergraduate degree programme. You will experience foundational teaching in academic English, academic skills, mathematics, statistics and chemistry.

  5. Science (International Year Zero)

    This pre-degree course prepares you for success in your intended undergraduate degree programme. You will experience foundational teaching in academic English, academic skills, mathematics, statistics and chemistry.

  6. Computer Science (International Year One)

    This pre-degree course introduces you to university teaching and research, with the aim of preparing you for an undergraduate degree in computer science and potential career options such as business analysis, software development and project management.

  7. Business - Management, Economics and Finance (International Year Zero)

    Foundation programmes facilitate the transition from high school to undergraduate study at the University of St Andrews and other institutions.

  8. Social Sciences and Humanities (International Year Zero)

    This pre-degree course helps you develop the intellectual and linguistic skills appropriate to the demands of an Arts, Humanities or Social Science undergraduate degree programme at the University of St Andrews. The course allows highly qualified applicants to complete the programme in a single semester.

  9. Medical Sciences (International Pre-Med)

    This pre-degree course is a unique blend of academic skills and medicine-related topics, designed in conjunction with the School of Medicine to develop the intellectual and communication skills necessary for success in a degree in medicine.

  10. Social Sciences and Humanities (International Year Zero)

    This pre-degree course covers a wide range of subjects, from History to Psychology and from English Literature to Economics. Students can experience a variety of possible subject areas before deciding on which area to specialise.

  11. Business - Management, Economics and Finance (International Year Zero)

    Designed to facilitate the transition from high school to the first year of undergraduate study in a range of academic disciplines including management, economics, and finance, this intensive programme allows highly qualified applicants to complete their foundation studies in a single semester.

  12. Medical Sciences (Extended International Pre-Med)

    This intensive pre-degree programme is a route into the School of Medicine at the University at St Andrews. You will study sciences and modules focusing on the academic knowledge and skills required to study medicine.

  13. Environmental Biological Sciences (International Year One)

    This pre-degree course introduces you to university teaching and research with the aim of preparing you for an undergraduate degree in animal biology, behavioural biology, ecology and conservation, evolutionary biology, zoology, or marine biology.

  14. Mathematics and Statistics (International Year One)

    This pre-degree course introduces you to university teaching and research with the aim of preparing you for an undergraduate degree in mathematics, applied mathematics, pure mathematics, or statistics, and a wide range of career options including the fields of financial services and technology.

  15. Molecular Biological Sciences (International Year One)

    This pre-degree course introduces you to university teaching and research with the aim of preparing you for an undergraduate degree in biology, biochemistry, cell biology, or molecular biology.

  16. Physics and Astronomy (International Year One)

    Introduces you to university teaching and research with the aim of preparing you for an undergraduate degree in physics, astrophysics, theoretical physics, or mathematics and physics. This programme also prepares you for career options in biophysics, meteorology, and even banking and commerce.

  17. Geology and Environmental Sciences (International Year One)

    This pre-degree course introduces you to university teaching and research with the aim of preparing you for the second year of an undergraduate degree in geology, environmental earth science or earth sciences.

  18. Medical Sciences (Extended International Pre-Med)

    This two-year pre-degree programme offers students the potential to move on to a degree in medicine at the University of St Andrews. You will study sciences and modules focusing on the academic knowledge and skills required to study medicine.