Our graduates have the opportunity of pursuing
academic life to the full while they are here
and then they come with this great mark of
quality onto a market that wants to take them
into either professional or academic life
>> HOI: The University's helped a lot, especially
the careers centre.
They were very helpful and insightful.
Students often ask us how studying an academic,
rather than a purely vocational, subject will
help them gain skills that will be useful
in their search for a job after graduation.
It's important to think of the St Andrews
education as something which teaches students
to become experts in a subject, but also teaches
lots of really important transferable skills
which are vital for employability.
Many students that I've had over the years
come back to me and let me know what they
are up to and it is just incredible the opportunities
that they have and the careers that they have gone on to.
I've had students who have gone into finance,
who have gone into the military, who have
gone into the law, who have gone into all
kinds of different directions, so I think
St Andrews is a wonderful spring board for
career aspiration.