Tuition fees for taught postgraduate programmes

As a student at the University of St Andrews, you will be expected to pay fees every year that you are in attendance. Fees may increase annually during the course of your study. The amount you will have to pay depends on the degree you are studying for and your fee status.

Fee status

Your fee status will determine the level of tuition fees you will have to pay. You should query your fee status if you are unsure which fee category will apply to you.

Recent Graduate Discount

If you have graduated from the University within the last three academic years, you may be eligible for a 15% discount on postgraduate tuition fees. Read the full terms and conditions to find out if you qualify.

Application fee

In order for us to begin processing your application, payment of an application fee of £50 is required. You will need to complete the payment process before you submit your application.

You can make this payment through the University's online shop. Please provide the order number provided after your purchase on your application form so that we can match the payment to your application. Applications for the University's online postgraduate programmes are exempt from this application fee.

Application fee waivers

The application fee can be waived in the following circumstances.

UK-domiciled applicants

The application fee will be waived for applicants:

  • In receipt of a means-tested scholarship or maintenance grant as an undergraduate student.
  • Who are the first generation in a family to pursue undergraduate study.
  • Have been in local authority care.
  • Have been involved in national widening access schemes.
  • Have caring responsibilities.
  • Who are an asylum seeker, refugee or have humanitarian protection status.

Applicants with asylum seeker, refugee or humanitarian protection status

The application fee will be waived for applicants who have a valid Asylum Registration Card or relevant Biometric Residence Permit.

International applicants domiciled in low-income countries

The application fee will be waived for applicants who are domiciled in low-income countries as defined by the OECD least-developed and low-income country and World Bank low-income country lists.

Requests for the application fee to be waived in any of these circumstances should be made to the Postgraduate Team by emailing