Application journey

Applying to university is an exciting time. If you are considering St Andrews for undergraduate study, this page breaks down everything you need to know about the University and how to apply. 

Interested in speaking to us or finding out more? Join us for one of our online information events.


Introduction to St Andrews

Julie Ramsay, Director of Admissions, welcomes you to St Andrews and talks about what we look for in a prospective student. 

Degree structure

St Andrews follows the Scottish degree system. This means that the typical undergraduate Honours degree takes four years of full-time study.

With our flexible degree structure, you will be able to explore different subjects in your first two years (known as sub-honours). Then, in your third and fourth year (known as Honours), you will study your degree topic in greater depth.

You can choose to study a single subject, or you can apply for a joint degree. Joint Honours degrees involve the study of two or three subjects at the same time.

There are more than 40 different subjects on offer, with over 900 degree options available.

For some of our science subjects, you can take these as a Masters degree within a five-year single course of undergraduate study. Find out more about our integrated Masters degrees.

You can also apply for direct entry to second year for certain science courses depending on your qualifications. This means you can achieve your degree in less time.

Medicine is a set programme that involves three years at St Andrews and three at a partner institution.  

The University of St Andrews operates on a modular degree system by which degrees are obtained through the accumulation of credits.

BA International Honours

The University of St Andrews has partnered with William & Mary in Virginia, USA, to offer a truly global undergraduate degree.

The joint degree allows you to spend two years at each institution for a total of four years, after which you will be awarded the BA (International Honours) degree by both universities.

Find out more about the distinguished St Andrews - William & Mary joint degree.

Tour of St Andrews

Take a tour of St Andrews with some of our student ambassadors.


All first-year undergraduate students are guaranteed a place in a hall, as long as you meet certain conditions. Find out more about accommodation at St Andrews. 

St Andrews has more than 4,000-bed spaces and a fantastic variety of accommodation to suit all tastes and budgets.

How to apply

If you are from Scotland or elsewhere in the UK, you will need to apply through UCAS

If you are an international student (and are classed as ‘Overseas’ for fee purposes), you can apply through UCAS, the Common Application, or through direct application. We have no preference on application route.

If you are applying to transfer to St Andrews from another higher education institution, you should apply through UCAS if you are from the UK or through direct application. Find out more about applying to transfer

Application deadlines

  • Medicine (on all applications): 15 October
  • UK students (UCAS): 26 January
  • International students
    • Common Application: 1 May
    • UCAS and direct: 30 June

Entry requirements

You can find entry requirements for SQA Highers, GCE A-Levels and the International Baccalaureate on the individual course pages.

For all other qualifications, you can check our entry requirements by country. We accept lots of additional qualifications and look at them on their own merit, rather than converting to a scale. 

If you live in the UK, our entry requirements are tiered – Standard, Minimum and Gateway. Use the entry requirements indicator to see which level is appropriate for you. Find out more about how we set these through academic entry explained

The qualifications taken can vary by personal circumstances. Contact or book a virtual event to discuss your personal situation with one of our team. 

Making a competitive application

St Andrews is highly competitive, so making a very good application is essential. 

We look at the full application – good grades are not enough on their own, the whole application needs to be of the highest quality. 

You will also need to meet the relevant entry requirements.

Writing a good personal statement

Your personal statement is your chance to demonstrate your passion and what drives you to study your subject.

Most of the students who apply to the University will be well qualified, so decisions on who will receive offers will often be determined by the quality of the personal statement.

At least 75% of your statement should focus on the subject you are applying for. It does not need to mention other subjects you are interested in studying in your first year, just the subject you are applying to study.

How we assess your application

We will read every application and consider them equally as long as they are submitted before the relevant deadline (late applications will not be considered).

We assess applications by fee status – Scottish applications will only be considered alongside other Scottish applications; applications from elsewhere in the UK will only be considered alongside other ‘RUK’ applications; international applications will only be considered alongside other international applications.

Applications are read by a combination of the Admissions team and our academic Admissions officers.

Although international applications are open for longer, we recommend applying as early as possible because we admit on a rolling basis and will close programmes once they are full.

Full details on the application and assessment process can be found in our admissions policy.

Talk to someone

There are a number of ways you can get in touch to speak with someone about your questions:

  • Online events are taking place throughout this year – these are the best way to talk to one of our team. 
  • Use our live chat – it is on during the day when our team is in the office. Use the icon on the right of the screen.
  • Email us –
  • Ask a student