US Federal Student Aid (FSA) (Direct Loan) consumer information

The University of St Andrews participates in the William D. Ford Direct Loan Program administered by the United States Department of Education. The US government requires institutions that participate in the federal student loan program to disclose the following consumer information.


General student disclosures

Disclosures and gainful employment (GE) programs

The University of St Andrews is approved only to provide Federal lending for students on a standard, degree-granting program. Therefore, there are no Gainful Employment Disclosures to report.

Campus crime and safety information

The University has its own campus Security and Response Team, accessible at all time, (phone: 01334 46 8999) for reporting a security incident or crime of any type.

The University Security Manager is responsible for developing and implementing security policy and provides advice on security and personal safety-related matters. The security manager will work in partnership with the police and other relevant agencies to ensure that information and guidance is accurate and appropriately disseminated to the University community.

Loan counseling

Private education loans

A private education loan is a non-FSA loan that is made to a borrower expressly for postsecondary education expenses, regardless of whether the loan is provided through the educational institution that the student attends or directly to the borrower from the private educational lender. 

The only private companies that we are currently aware of that will lend to students studying at an overseas institution is Sallie Mae and Earnest. Information about this and possible state-aid is included on our alternative education loans and funding web page.

Students taking a non-Title IV (standard degree) authorized program at the University of St Andrews may be eligible for private loan funding.

Unless otherwise requested, private loans will be disbursed as per federal loans. Paying the loans in disbursements rather than a single payment at the start of the year will reduce the amount of interest the loans accrue.

Private student loans are still limited to your cost of attendance in exactly the same way as Direct Loans. Students are allowed to hold both types of loans, but the total cannot exceed the respective cost of attendance.


The University of St Andrews is committed to operating in an environment of integrity and strives to offer students and parents accurate and timely information. 

Per federal regulations (34 CFR 668 Subpart F), The University of St Andrews will hold itself to the highest levels of integrity and will not knowingly provide any false, erroneous, or misleading statements to a student or prospective student, to the family of an enrolled or prospective student, or to the US Department of Education.

The University of St Andrews is committed to operating in an environment of integrity. Each member of the University of St Andrews community is responsible for assuring that the actions and activities conducted at the University promote such an environment.

FERPA information (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974)

Although the FERPA Act does not apply within the UK, the University of St Andrews is committed to upholding the principles therein.

Access to, amendment and disclosure of, education records and protection of personal data is provided by the University of St Andrews in accordance with our Freedom of Information (FOI) web pages and our commitment to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

The University web pages for privacy and data protection list all of the University's privacy and data protection policies and notices and include links to students’ rights and frequently asked questions about GDPR.


Should you have a complaint about the processing of your US loan, you have the right to file complaints with the US Department of Education, although it would be preferable that you contact the University's Federal Aid Administrators in the first instance so that they can try to resolve the problem for you (email