Student Activities Fund

The Student Activities Fund supports activities that build St Andrews' student community and belonging, support student skills development and access to opportunities.  

The fund should be used to enhance the student experience for as many people as possible and create a culture of inclusivity.

Uses of the fund could include:

  • events
  • guest lecturers
  • specialist training
  • equipment
  • resources
  • field trips.

Applications should be informed by the following University strategic themes:

  • Diverse
  • Entrepreneurial
  • Sustainable.  

Individuals or groups of students can apply for up to £1000 for their activity and the fund can be added to other raised funds.

Preference will be given to projects that support the greatest benefit to the student body within the set criteria.

Value of award (per year)

Up to £1000

Application restrictions

Available to

Current students

How to apply

Complete this form.

Terms and conditions

Visit the Student Activities Fund application form for more information.

When will I know the outcome?

The Student Activities panel meet on the last Tuesday of every month to consider applications and will aim to respond to all applicants within five working days of this meeting.