Teachers Together Conference

Fostering partnerships between secondary schools, colleges and higher education institutions is something we have long recognised as important. The Teachers Together conference brings together stakeholders from all sectors of education in Scotland to help ensure that relevant, accurate, and timely guidance is given to pupils preparing for university.

We are currently reviewing our programme and hope to relaunch the Teachers Together programme of activities and conference details in the coming months.

If you are a Teacher, Advisor, DYW, or SDS Coordinator, you may find the information on our Apply from Scotland webpages of interest. Tutors and advisors from Further Education colleges can find college-specific information on our Applying from College page.

If you would like to discuss opportunities that may be available for your learners at the University of St Andrews, please do get in touch and a member of the Team will be happy to help.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at schools.access@st-andrews.ac.uk.